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Bonizzato, M., Guay Hottin, R., Côté, S. L., Massai, E., Choinière, L., Macar, U., Laferrière, S., Sirpal, P., Quessy, S., Lajoie, G., Martinez, M., & Dancause, N. (2023). Autonomous optimization of neuroprosthetic stimulation parameters that drive the motor cortex and spinal cord outputs in rats and monkeys. Cell Reports Medicine, 4(4), 101008 (24 pages). External link
Bergeron, D., Iorio-Morin, C., Bonizzato, M., Lajoie, G., Orr Gaucher, N., Racine, É., & Weil, A. G. (2023). Use of Invasive Brain-Computer Interfaces in Pediatric Neurosurgery: Technical and Ethical Considerations. Journal of Child Neurology, 38(3-4), 223-238. External link
Choinière, L., Guay-Hottin, R., Picard, R., Lajoie, G., Bonizzato, M., & Dancause, N. (2024). Gaussian-process-based Bayesian optimization for neurostimulation interventions in rats. STAR Protocols, 5(1), 102885 (28 pages). Available
Kerg, G., Goyette, K., Touzel, M. P., Gidel, G., Vorontsov, E., Bengio, Y., & Lajoie, G. (2019, December). Non-normal Recurrent Neural Network (nnRNN): learning long time dependencies while improving expressivity with transient dynamics [Paper]. 33rd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2019), Vancouver, B.-C.. External link
Laferrière, S., Bonizzato, M., Côté, S. L., Dancause, N., & Lajoie, G. (2020). Hierarchical Bayesian Optimization of Spatiotemporal Neurostimulations for Targeted Motor Outputs. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 28(6), 1452-1460. External link