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Nombre de documents: 5


He, Y. C., Haccoun, D., & Cardinal, C. (2008). Tradeoff of Complexity and Latency of Iterative Decoding for Orthogonal Convolutional Codes. IET Communications, 2(3), 440-448. Lien externe


He, Y. C., Haccoun, D., & Cardinal, C. (août 2007). A Graph Approach to the Structural Analysis of Simplified Convolutional Self-Doubly-Orthogonal Codes [Communication écrite]. IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing, Victoria, BC, Canada. Lien externe


He, Y. C., & Haccoun, D. (2005). An Analysis of the Orthogonality Structures of Convolutional Codes for Iterative Decoding. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 51(9), 3247-3261. Lien externe

He, Y. C., Haccoun, D., & Cardinal, C. (mai 2005). Parallel Iterative Decoding for Orthogonal Convolutional Codes [Communication écrite]. 61st IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2005-Spring), Stockholm, Sweden. Lien externe


He, Y. C., Haccoun, D., & Cardinal, C. (septembre 2004). A Serial Design of Iterative Belief Propagation Decoders for Convolutional Codes [Communication écrite]. 60th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2004-Fall), Los Angeles, California, USA. Lien externe

Liste produite: Wed Jan 1 04:30:55 2025 EST.