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Belot, I., Vidal, D., Bertrand, F., Votsmeier, M., Van Setten, B., Greiner, R., & Hayes, R. E. (2019, June). Prediction of the overall performance of catalyst-coated particulate filters using a Lattice Boltzmann-Based model [Paper]. 2019 Joint Congress of the CSME and the CFDSC, London, ON, Canada. External link
Belot, I., Vidal, D., Greiner, R., Votsmeier, M., Van Setten, B., Hayes, R. E., & Bertrand, F. (2018, October). On the impact of washcoat distribution on the performance of three-way catalyst filters [Paper]. 11th International Congress on Catalysis and Automotive Pollution Control, Brussels, Belgium. Unavailable
Belot, I., Vidal, D., Hayes, R. E., Van Setten, B., Voitsmeier, M., & Bertrand, F. (2018, January). Optimizing the performance of engine exhaust after-treatment system using numerical simulation [Paper]. 2018 New Frontiers in Multiphase CFD for the 21st Century Mix, Oaxaca, Mexico. Unavailable
Vidal, D., Matte-Deschênes, G., Bertrand, F., & Hayes, R. E. (2015, September). Simulation of the Impact of Thermophoresis on the Capture Efficiency of Diesel Particulate Filters [Paper]. 4th International Symposium on Modeling of Exhaust-Gas After-Treatment (MODEGAT 2015), Karlsruhe, Germany. Unavailable
Matte-Deschênes, G., Vidal, D., Bertrand, F., & Hayes, R. E. (2014, October). Simulation of the Impact of Thermophoresis on the Efficiency of Diesel Particulate Filters [Paper]. 64th CSChE Annual Meeting, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. Unavailable
Séguineau de Préval, C., Devals, C., Bertrand, F., & Hayes, R. E. (2011, September). Towards the direct numerical simulation of the structured catalytic reactor : Lattice Boltzmann simulation of laminar flow in a honeycomb monolith [Paper]. 2nd International Symposium on Modeling of Exhaust-Gas After-Treatment (MODEGAT 2011), Karlsruhe, Germany. Unavailable
Devals, C., Fuxman, A., Bertrand, F., Forbes, J. F., Perrier, M., & Hayes, R. E. (2009). Enhanced model predictive control of a catalytic flow reversal reactor. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 87(4), 620-631. External link
Lecuyer, H. A., Mmbaga, J. P., Hayes, R. E., Bertrand, F., & Tanguy, P. A. (2009). Modelling of forward roll coating flows with a deformable roll: application to non-Newtonian industrial coating formulations. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 33(9), 1427-1437. External link
Devals, C., Heniche, M., Bertrand, F., Tanguy, P. A., & Hayes, R. E. (2007). A Two-Phase Flow Interface Capturing Finite Element Method. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 53(5), 735-751. External link
Devals, C., Fuxman, A., Bertrand, F., Forbes, J. F., & Hayes, R. E. (2006, January). Combustion of Lean Methane in a Catalytic Flow Reversal Reactor [Paper]. COMSOL Users Conference, Boston, USA. Unavailable
Lécuyer, H. A., Bertrand, F., Tanguy, P. A., Mmbaga, J. P., & Hayes, R. E. (2006, January). Computer Modelling of Deformable non-Newtonian Flow Using Comsol Multiphysics [Paper]. COMSOL User Conference, Las Vegas, USA. Unavailable
Litto, R., Hayes, R. E., Sapoundjiev, H., Fuxman, A., Forbes, F., Liu, B., & Bertrand, F. (2006). Optimization of a Flow Reversal Reactor for the Catalytic Combustion of Lean Methane Mixtures. Catalysis Today, 117(4), 536-542. External link
Devals, C., Heniche, M., Bertrand, F., Hayes, R. E., & Tanguy, P. A. (2005). A finite element strategy for the solution of interface tracking problems. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 49(12), 1305-1327. External link
Mmbaga, J. P., Hayes, R. E., Bertrand, F., & Tanguy, P. A. (2005). Flow Simulation in the Nip of a Rigid Forward Roll Coater. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 48(10), 1041-1066. External link
Lécuyer, H., Mmbaga, J., Bertrand, F., Tanguy, P. A., & Hayes, R. E. (2005, January). Numerical investigation of non-newtonian coating flows in high speed forward deformable roll coaters [Paper]. 55th CSChE Annual Conference, Toronto, ON, Canada. Unavailable
Litto, R., Hayes, R. E., Sapoundjiev, H., Fuxman, A., Forbes, F., Liu, B., & Bertrand, F. (2005, September). Optimization of a catalytic flow reversal reactor for the combustion of lean methane mixtures [Paper]. 6th International Workshop on Catalytic Combustion (IWCC6), Ischia, Italy. Unavailable
Manski, S. S., Mmbaga, J. P., Hayes, R. E., Bertrand, F., & Tanguy, P. A. Simulation of roll coating process using FEMLAB [Paper]. FEMLAB Conference 2005, Boston, USA. Unavailable
Devals, C., Heniche, M., Bertrand, F., Tanguy, P. A., & Hayes, R. E. (2004, January). A filtering technique for solving the advection equation in two-phase flow problems [Paper]. CFD 2004, Ottawa, Canada. Unavailable
Devals, C., Heniche, M., Bertrand, F., Tanguy, P. A., & Hayes, R. E. (2004, June). A Finite Element Solver for the Advection Equation Applied to Interface Tracking [Paper]. 8th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes, Columbus, Ohio. External link
Mmbaga, J. P., Hayes, R. E., Bertrand, F., & Tanguy, P. A. (2004, January). Modelling high speed forward deformable roll coating [Paper]. 54th CSChE annual meeting, Calgary, Canada. Unavailable
Mmbaga, J. P., Hayes, R. E., Bertrand, F., & Tanguy, P. A. (2004, January). Numerical simulation of high speed roll coating with deformable rolls [Paper]. 12th coating sci. and tech. symp., New York, USA. Unavailable
Mmbaga, J., Hayes, R. E., Bertrand, F., & Tanguy, P. A. (2004). Simulation of hydrodynamics in a forward roll coater. (Technical Report n° Report 847). Unavailable
Bertrand, F., Gange, T., Desaulniers, E., Vidal, D., & Hayes, R. E. (2004). Simulation of the consolidation of paper coating structures : probabilistic vs deterministic models. (Technical Report n° Report 854). Unavailable
Bertrand, F., Gange, T., Desaulniers, E., Vidal, D., & Hayes, R. E. (2004). Simulation of the consolidation of paper coating structures: probabilistic versus deterministic models. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 28(12), 2595-2604. External link
Hayes, R. E., Bertrand, F., Audet, C., & Kolaczkowski, S. T. (2003). Catalytic combustion kinetics: using a direct search algorithm to evaluate kinetic parameters from light-off curves. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 81(6), 1192-1199. External link
Hayes, R. E., Mukadi, L. S., Bertrand, F., & Audet, C. (2003, June). Modelling and optimization of the automotive catalytic converter [Paper]. 2003 CMS Summer Meeting, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Unavailable
Mmbaga, J. P., Hayes, R. E., Huijben, C. A., Bertrand, F., & Tanguy, P. A. (2003, January). Simulation and analysis of metered size press coating flow [Paper]. 53th CSChE Annual Conference, Hamilton, ON, Canada. Unavailable
Curran, S. J., Hayes, R. E., Afacan, A., Williams, M. C., & Tanguy, P. A. (2002). Properties of Carbopol Solutions as Models for Yield-Stress Fluids. Journal of Food Science, 67(1), 176-180. External link
Mmbaga, J. P., Hayes, R. E., Bertrand, F., & Tanguy, P. A. (2001, January). Simulation of a metering size press for forward roll coating [Paper]. 2001 AIChE Annual Meeting, Reno, CA, USA. Unavailable
Hayes, R. E., Bertrand, F., & Tanguy, P. A. (2000). Modelling of Fluid/Paper Interaction in the Application Nip of a Film Coater. Transport in Porous Media, 40(1), 55-72. External link
Mmbaga, J., Hayes, R. E., Bertrand, F., & Tanguy, P. A. (2000, January). Simulation of dewatering and immobilization during paper coating [Paper]. 50th CSChE Annual Conference, Montréal, Qc, Canada. Unavailable
Hayes, R. E., Bertrand, F., & Kolaczkowski, S. T. (1998, October). Determining catalytic combustion kinetics from reactor light-off curves [Paper]. 48th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, London, ON, Canada. Unavailable
Hayes, R. E., Afacan, A., Boulanger, B., & Tanguy, P. A. (1998). Experimental Study of Reactive Mixing in a Laminar Flow Batch Reactor. Chemical Engineering Research & Design, 76(1), 73-81. External link
Bertrand, F., Hayes, R. E., & Tanguy, P. A. (1991). A decomposed Crouzeix-Raviart element for the finite element solution of the Navier-Stokes equation. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 13(9), 1073-1083. External link