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Jamil, S., Rahman, M.U., Tanveer, J., & Haider, A. (2022). Energy Efficiency and Throughput Maximization Using Millimeter Waves-Microwaves HetNets. Electronics, 11(3), 21 pages. External link
Haider, A., Khan, T., Rahman, M.U., Moo Lee, B., & Seok Kim, H. (2021). Quintuple Band Antenna for Wireless Applications with Small Form Factor. Computers, Materials & Continua, 66(3), 2241-2251. Available
Haider, A., Adnan Khan, M., Rehman, A., Rahman, M.U., & Seok Kim, H. (2021). A Real-Time Sequential Deep Extreme Learning Machine Cybersecurity Intrusion Detection System. Computers, Materials & Continua, 66(2), 1785-1798. Available
Siddiqui, S. Y., Haider, A., Ghazal, T. M., Khan, M. A., Naseer, I., Abbas, S., Rahman, M.U., Khan, J. A., Ahmad, M., Hasan, M. K., Mohammed, A. A., & Ateeq, K. (2021). IoMT Cloud-Based Intelligent Prediction of Breast Cancer Stages Empowered With Deep Learning. IEEE Access, 9, 146478-146491. External link
Khan, A., Jin, W., Haider, A., Rahman, M.U., & Wang, D. (2021). Adversarial Gaussian Denoiser for Multiple-Level Image Denoising. Sensors, 21(9), 30 pages. Available
Haider, A., Rahman, M.U., Ahmad, H., NaghshvarianJahromi, M., Tabish Niaz, M., & Seok Kim, H. (2021). Frequency-Agile WLAN Notch UWB Antenna for URLLC Applications. Computers, Materials & Continua, 67(2), 2243-2254. Available
Haider, A., Rahman, M.U., Khan, T., Tabish Niaz, M., & Seok Kim, H. (2021). Multi-Gigabit CO-OFDM System over SMF and MMF Links for 5G URLLC Backhaul Network. Computers, Materials & Continua, 67(2), 1747-1758. Available
Jamil, S., Rahman, M.U., & Haider, A. (2021). Bag of Features (BoF) Based Deep Learning Framework for Bleached Corals Detection. Big Data and Cognitive Computing, 5(4), 53 (15 pages). External link
Ali, S., Haider, A., Rahman, M.U., Sohail, M., & Zikria, Y. B. (2021). Deep learning (DL) based joint resource allocation and RRH association in 5G-multi-tier networks. IEEE Access, 9, 118357-118366. Available
Ayesha, A., Rahman, M.U., Haider, A., & Chaudhry, S. M. (2021). On Self-Interference Cancellation and Non-Idealities Suppression in Full-Duplex Radio Transceivers. Mathematics, 9(12), 1434 (32 pages). External link
Haider, A., Rahman, M.U., Naghshvarianjahromi, M., & Kim, H. S. (2020). Time-Domain Investigation of Switchable Filter Wide-Band Antenna for Microwave Breast Imaging. Sensors, 20(15), 4302 (10 pages). Available
Rahman, M.U., Haider, A., & Naghshvarianjahromi, M. (2020). A Systematic Methodology for the Time-Domain Ringing Reduction in UWB Band-Notched Antennas. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 19(3), 482-486. External link