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Giroux, R., Gourdeau, R., & Landry, R. (avril 2005). Extended kalman filter implementation for low-cost INS/GPS integration in a fast-prototyping environment [Communication écrite]. 16th Canadian Navigation Symposium, Toronto, Canada. Non disponible

Giroux, R., Gourdeau, R., & Landry, R. (2005). INS/GPS fusion algorithm design in a fast prototyping environment : towards a real-time implementation. Canadian aeronautics and space journal, 51(3), 133-144. Lien externe

Giroux, R., Landry, R. J., & Gourdeau, R. (2003). Simulation software and hardware implementation for a low-cost electronic inertial navigation systems test-bench. Journal of Gyroscopy and Navigation, 40(1), 53-62. Non disponible

Giroux, R., Leach, B. W., Landry, R. J., & Gourdeau, R. (janvier 2003). Validation and performance evaluation of a simulink inertial navigation system simulator [Communication écrite]. 14th CASI Symposium on Navigation, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible

Giroux, R., Leach, B. W., Landry, R., & Gourdeau, R. (2003). Validation and performance evaluation of a simulink inertial navigation system simulator. Canadian aeronautics and space journal, 49(4), 149-162. Lien externe

Giroux, R., Landry, R. J., & Gourdeau, R. (janvier 2002). Simulation software and hardware implementation for a low cost electronic inertial navigation system test-bench [Communication écrite]. 9th Saint Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems, St-Petersburg, Russia. Non disponible

Giroux, R., Landry, R. J., & Gourdeau, R. (janvier 2001). Simulation software for a low cost electronic inertial navigation system [Communication écrite]. Conference on Navigation, Guidance and Control (ICNGC 2001), China. Non disponible

Giroux, R., Gourdeau, R., Hurteau, R., & Pelletier, M. (janvier 2000). Mission optimisation for a vertical take-off and landing unmanned air vehicle [Communication écrite]. 47th CASI annual conference, Ottawa. Non disponible

Liste produite: Thu Jan 2 04:09:24 2025 EST.