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Documents dont l'auteur est "Ghafouri, Mohsen"

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Nombre de documents: 12

Meng, L., Karaagac, U., Ghafouri, M., Stepanov, A. B., Mahseredjian, J., Chan, K., & Kocar, I. (2023). A New Control Interaction Phenomenon in Large-Scale Type-4 Wind Park. IEEE Access, 11, 11 pages. Disponible

Ghafouri, M., Karaagac, U., Mahseredjian, J., Kocar, I., & Lei, M. (2023). Design of a robust and practicable SSI damping controller using H∞ technique for series compensated DFIG-based wind farms. Energy Reports, 9, 647-655. Lien externe

Zandian, M., Ameli, A., Ghafouri, M., Hassani, R., & Rezaei-Zare, A. (2023). A Framework to Avoid Maloperation of Transformer Differential Protection under Geomagnetic Disturbances. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 3338085 (14 pages). Lien externe

Xue, T., Karaagac, U., Kocar, I., Vavdareh, M. B., & Ghafouri, M. (décembre 2023). Machine Learning Basics and Potential Applications in Power Systems [Communication écrite]. 4th International Conference on Electrical, Communication and Computer Engineering (ICECCE 2023), Dubai, United arab emirates (7 pages). Lien externe

Meng, L., Karaagac, U., Ghafouri, M., Stepanov, A., & Mahseredjian, J. (2023). A new stationary frame multi-input multi-output EMT-level frequency scanning method for inverter based resources. Energy Reports, 9, 748-756. Lien externe

Ghafouri, M., Karaagac, U., Kocar, I., Xu, Z., & Farantatos, E. (2021). Analysis and mitigation of the communication delay impacts on wind farm central SSI damping controller. IEEE Access, 9, 105641-105650. Disponible

Ghafouri, M., Karaagac, U., Karimi, H., & Mahseredjian, J. (2019). Robust subsynchronous interaction damping controller for DFIG-based wind farms. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 7(6), 1663-1674. Disponible

Ghafouri, M., Karaagac, U., Mahseredjian, J., & Karimi, H. (2019). SSCI damping controller design for series compensated DFIG based wind parks considering implementation challenges. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 34(4), 2644-2653. Lien externe

Ghafouri, M. (2018). Subsynchronous Resonance in DFIG-Based Wind Farms [Thèse de doctorat, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Ghafouri, M., Karaagac, U., Karimi, H., Jensen, S., Mahseredjian, J., & Faried, S. O. (2017). An LQR Controller for Damping of Subsynchronous Interaction in DFIG-Based Wind Farms. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 32(6), 4934-4942. Lien externe

Hamzeh, M., Ghafouri, M., Karimi, H., Sheshyekani, K., & Guerrero, J. (2016). Power oscillations damping in DC microgrids. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 31(3), 970-980. Lien externe

Ghafouri, M., Karaagac, U., Karimi, H., & Mahseredjian, J. (juillet 2016). Sub synchronous resonance dapming in DFIG-based wind farms using optimal control [Communication écrite]. IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM 2016), Boston, MA (5 pages). Lien externe

Liste produite: Mon Jan 6 05:20:40 2025 EST.