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Chinniah, Y. A., Gauthier, F., Abdul-Nour, G., Jocelyn, S., Aucourt, B., & Bordeleau, G. (2019). Étude exploratoire sur les pratiques des fabricants de machines au Québec en lien avec l'intégration de la sécurité des machines dès leur conception. (Technical Report n° R-1082). External link
Chinniah, Y. A., Gauthier, F., Aucourt, B., & Burlet-Vienney, D. (2018). Validation of the impact of architectural flaws in six machine risk estimation tools. Safety Science, 101, 248-259. External link
Chinniah, Y. A., Gauthier, F., Lambert, S., & Moulet, F. (2011). Analyse expérimentale des outils d'estimation du risque associé aux machines industrielles. [Experimental analysis of tools used for estimating risk associated with industrial machines]. (Technical Report n° R-697). External link
Chinniah, Y. A., Gauthier, F., Lambert, S., & Moulet, F. (2011). Experimental analysis of tools used for estimating risk associated with industrial machines. [Analyse expérimentale des outils d'estimation du risque associé aux machines industrielles]. (Technical Report n° R-684). External link
Gauthier, F., Chinniah, Y. A., Abdul-Nour, G., Jocelyn, S., Aucourt, B., Bordeleau, G., & Ben Mosbah, A. (2021). Practices and needs of machinery designers and manufacturers in safety of machinery: An exploratory study in the province of Quebec, Canada. Safety Science, 133, 105011 (12 pages). External link
Gauthier, F., Chinniah, Y. A., Burlet-Vienney, D., Aucourt, B., & Larouche, S. (2018). Risk assessment in safety of machinery: Impact of construction flaws in risk estimation parameters. Safety Science, 109, 421-433. External link
Gauthier, F. (2017). Calcul des paramètres de la machine asynchrone [Master's thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Available
Gauthier, F., Chinniah, Y. A., Burlet-Vienney, D., Aucourt, B., & Larouche, S. (2017). Machine safety : hands-on experimentation with risk estimation parameters and tools. (Technical Report n° R-980). External link
Gauthier, F., Chinniah, Y. A., Burlet-Vienney, D., Aucourt, B., & Larouche, S. (2016). Sécurité des machines - Expérimentation pratique de paramètres et d'outils d'estimation du risque. (Technical Report n° R-940). External link
Gauthier, F. (2014). Reverse-Engineering and Analysis of Access Control Models in Web Applications [Ph.D. thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Available
Gauthier, F., Merlo, E., Stroulia, E., & Turner, D. (2014, September). Supporting maintenance and evolution of access control models in web applications [Paper]. 30th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME 2014), Victoria, BC, Canada. External link
Gauthier, F., & Merlo, E. (2012, September). Alias-aware propagation of simple pattern-based properties in PHP applications [Paper]. 12th IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM 2012), Riva del Garda, Trento, Italy. External link
Gauthier, F., & Merlo, E. (2012, October). Fast detection of access control vulnerabilities in PHP applications [Paper]. 19th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE 2012), Kingston, ON, Canada. External link
Gauthier, F., & Merlo, E. (2012, March). Investigation of access control models with formal concept analysis: A case study [Paper]. 16th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR 2012), Szeged, Hungary. External link
Letarte, D., Gauthier, F., Merlo, E., Sutyanyong, N., & Zuzarte, C. (2012, May). Targeted genetic test SQL generation for the DB2 database [Paper]. 5th International Workshop on Testing Database Systems (DBTest 2012), Scottsdale, Arizona, USA. External link
Letarte, D., Gauthier, F., & Merlo, E. (2011, March). Security model evolution of PHP web applications [Paper]. 4th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation (ICST 2011), Berlin, Germany. External link
Ouellet, M., Gauthier, F., Merlo, E., Sozen, N., & Gagnon, M. (2012). Mapping features to source code in dynamically configured avionics software. (Technical Report n° EPM-RT-2012-02). Available