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Ducharme, M. (2003). Phénomènes de transport dans un dispositif microélectronique modifié par laser [Master's thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Available
Lacourse, A., Ducharme, M., St-Jean, H., Gagnon, Y., Savaria, Y., & Meunier, M. (2009). Tunable semiconductor component provided with a current barrier. (Patent no. US7564078). External link
Meunier, M., Ducharme, M., Degorce, J.-Y., Liao, Y., & Lacourse, A. (2002, September). Laser Induced Local Modification of Silicon Microdevices: a New Technique for Tuning Analogue Microelectronics [Paper]. International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies (ALT 2002), Adelboden, Switzerland. External link
Meunier, M., Ducharme, M., & Bernier, J.-S. (2003, January). Modeling electrical characteristics of laser tuned silicon microdevices [Paper]. Photon Processing in Microelectronics and Photonics II, San Jose, Calif.. External link