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This graph maps the connections between all the collaborators of {}'s publications listed on this page.
Each link represents a collaboration on the same publication. The thickness of the link represents the number of collaborations.
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A word cloud is a visual representation of the most frequently used words in a text or a set of texts. The words appear in different sizes, with the size of each word being proportional to its frequency of occurrence in the text. The more frequently a word is used, the larger it appears in the word cloud. This technique allows for a quick visualization of the most important themes and concepts in a text.
In the context of this page, the word cloud was generated from the publications of the author {}. The words in this cloud come from the titles, abstracts, and keywords of the author's articles and research papers. By analyzing this word cloud, you can get an overview of the most recurring and significant topics and research areas in the author's work.
The word cloud is a useful tool for identifying trends and main themes in a corpus of texts, thus facilitating the understanding and analysis of content in a visual and intuitive way.
Bourgeois, M., & Drouin, G. (1996, June). Innovative Measures To Improve Performances And Supervision In Post Graduate Studies [Paper]. ASEE Annual Conference (ASEE 1996), Washington, DC, USA. Published in ASEE annual conference & exposition. External link
Beaudoin, L., Drouin, G., & Dumas, G. (1986). Caractérisation mécanique des ligaments de la colonne lombaire. (Technical Report n° EPM-RT-86-09). Restricted access
Drouin, G., Masson, M., & Yahia, L. (1991). In Vitro Fatigue Testing of Prosthetic Ligaments: A New Concept. Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, 1(3), 159-165. External link
Doré, S., Drouin, G., & Bobyn, D. (1985). Utilisation des techniques de tomographie et de fabrication assistées par ordinateur pour la fabrication de prothèses personnalisées. (Technical Report n° EPM-RT-85-18). Restricted access
Dupont, L., Drouin, G., & Tremblay, G. (1982). Étude des longueurs des structures ligamentaires du genou humain. (Technical Report n° EP-R-82-10). Restricted access
Gely, P., & Drouin, G. (1982). Evaluation du mode de chargement du ligament croisé antérieur et de son remplacement prothétique. (Technical Report n° EP-R-82-07). Restricted access
Roussel, J., & Drouin, G. (1986). Modélisation mathématique d'une unité vertèbre-disque-vertèbre soumise à des chargements complexes. (Technical Report n° EPM-RT-86-11). Restricted access
Sati, M., de Guise, J. A., & Drouin, G. (1997). Computer assisted knee surgery: diagnostics and planning of knee surgery. Computer Aided Surgery, 2(2), 108-123. External link
Sati, M., Richard, A., De Guise, J. A., Baldo, S., & Drouin, G. (1995, September). Planning of prosthetic ligament insertion in the knee [Paper]. 17th International Conference of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Montréal, Québec. External link
Sibille, J., & Drouin, G. (1982). Extensomètre ligamentaire. (Technical Report n° EP-R-82-13). Restricted access
Tiberghien, M., & Drouin, G. (1983). Simulation des comportements ligamentaires du genou. (Technical Report n° EP-R-83-16). Restricted access
Vinet, R., Lozac'h, Y., Beaudry, N., & Drouin, G. (1995). Design methodology for a multifunctional hand prosthesis. Journal of rehabilitation research and development, 32(4), 316-324. Unavailable
Yahia, L., Hagemeister, N., Drouin, G., Sati, M., & Rivard, C. H. (1994). Conceptual design of prosthetic anterior cruciate ligaments: the need for a biomimetical approach. Biomimetics, 2(3), 309-330. Unavailable
Yahia, L., Lombardi, S., Selmani, A., Drouin, G., & Hlaouti, M. (1994). Effect of plasma treatment on tribological properties of synthetic ligaments. Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, 4(5), 347-356. External link
Yahia, L., Lombardi, S., Hagemeister, N., Drouin, G., Rivard, C.-H., Assad, M., & Okuyama, M. (1994, September). Improvement of cytocompatibility and biomechanical compatibility of Ni-Ti shape memory alloys [Paper]. Shape Memory Materials '94 : International symposium on shape memory materials, Beijing, Peop. Rep. China. Unavailable
Yahia, L., Drouin, G., & Thiry, P. S. (1985). Modélisation du ligament croisé antérieur basée sur sa microstructure anatomique et les intéractions entre ses composantes biomacromoléculaires. (Technical Report n° EPM-RT-85-17). Available