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Darviot, C., Gosselin, B., Martin, F., Patskovsky, S., Jabin, I., Bruylants, G., Trudel, D., & Meunier, M. (2024). Multiplexed immunolabelling of cancer using bioconjugated plasmonic gold–silver alloy nanoparticles. Nanoscale Advances, 2024, 9 pages. Available
Marcoux-Valiquette, P., Darviot, C., Wang, L., Grosset, A.-A., Hasanzadeh Kafshgari, M., Birela, M., Patskovsky, S., Trudel, D., & Meunier, M. (2021). Multiplexed plasmonic nano-labeling for bioimaging of cytological stained samples. Cancers, 13(14), 3509 (10 pages). Available
Patskovsky, S., Qi, M., Darviot, C., Wang, L., Nsamela, A., Tomasso, D., Meunier, M., Alfano, R. R., Demos, S. G., & Seddon, A. B. (2019, February). Cytopathology diagnosis by multiplexed plasmonic biomarkers (Conference Presentation) [Presentation]. In Optical Biopsy XVII: Toward Real-Time Spectroscopic Imaging and Diagnosis, San Francisco, CA, USA. External link
Darviot, C. (2018). Thérapie laser assistée par nanoparticules plasmoniques du rétinoblastome [Master's thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Available