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Corbin, D., Santaló-Corcoy, M., Tastet, O., Lopes, P., Schrot, J., Modine, T., Asgar, A., Lesage, F., & Ali, W. B. (2024). Validation study of two artificial intelligence–based preplanning methods for transcatheter aortic valve replacement procedures. Journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions, 3(3), 101289 (2 pages). Available
Corbin, D., & Lesage, F. (2022). Assessment of the predictive potential of cognitive scores from retinal images and retinal fundus metadata via deep learning using the CLSA database. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 12 pages. External link
Corbin, D. (2021). Investigation de biomarqueurs rétiniens pour la cognition et l'Alzheimer à partir du fundus [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal]. Available
Caru, M., Corbin, D., Périé-Curnier, D., Lemay, V., Delfrate, J., Drouin, S., Bertout, L., Krajinovic, M., Laverdiere, C., Andelfinger, G., Sinnett, D., & Curnier, D. (2019). Doxorubicin treatments induce significant changes on the cardiac autonomic nervous system in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia long-term survivors. Clinical Research in Cardiology, 108(9), 1000-1008. External link
Damseh, R., Lu, Y., Lu, X., Zhang, C., Marchand, P. J., Corbin, D., Pouliot, P., Cheriet, F., & Lesage, F. (2021). A simulation study investigating potential diffusion-based MRI signatures of microstrokes. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 14229 (15 pages). Available
Labrecque Langlais, É., Corbin, D., Tastet, O., Hayek, A., Doolub, G., Mrad, S., Tardif, J.‐C., Tanguay, J.‐F., Marquis‐Gravel, G., Tison, G. H., Kadoury, S., Le, W., Gallo, R., Lesage, F., & Avram, R. (2024). Evaluation of stenoses using AI video models applied to coronary angiography. NPJ Digital Medicine, 7, 138 (13 pages). Available
Nolin-Lapalme, A., Theriault-Lauzier, P., Corbin, D., Tastet, O., Sharma, A., Hussin, J. G., Kadoury, S., Jiang, R., Krahn, A. D., Gallo, R., & Avram, R. (2024). Maximizing Large Language Model Utility in Cardiovascular Care: A Practical Guide. Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 38 pages. External link
Santaló-Corcoy, M., Corbin, D., Tastet, O., Lesage, F., Modine, T., Asgar, A., & Ali, W. B. (2023). TAVI-PREP: A Deep Learning-Based Tool for Automated Measurements Extraction in TAVI Planning. Diagnostics, 13(20), 3181 (16 pages). Available