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Charpin, C.-B., Cardinal, D., Choubak, S., Levesque, P. L., Desjardins, P., & Martel, R. (2016, October). Graphene Growth Kinetics Under Purified Conditions [Paper]. Graphene & 2D Materials International Conference and Exhibition (Graphene Canada 2016), Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Choubak, S., Lévesque, P., Gagnon, P., Martel, R., & Desjardins, P. (2016). Method of growing a graphene coating or carbon nanotubes on a catalytic substrate. (Patent Application no. US20160376156). External link
Choubak, S. (2015). The Impact of Hydrogen and Oxidizing Impurities in Chemical Vapor Deposition of Graphene on Copper [Ph.D. thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Available
Choubak, S., Lévesque, P. L., Gaufrès, É., Biron, M., Desjardins, P., & Martel, R. (2014). Graphene CVD: Interplay Between Growth and Etching on Morphology and Stacking by Hydrogen and Oxidizing Impurities. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 118(37), 21532-21540. External link
Choubak, S., Biron, M., Levesque, P. L., Martel, R., & Desjardins, P. (2013). No graphene etching in purified hydrogen. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 4(7), 1100-1103. External link
Hafez, H. A., Levesque, P. L., Al-Naib, I., Dignam, M. M., Chai, X., Choubak, S., Desjardins, P., Martel, R., & Ozaki, T. (2015). Intense terahertz field effects on photoexcited carrier dynamics in gated graphene. Applied Physics Letters, 107(25), 5 pages. External link
Jacobberger, R. M., Levesque, P. L., Xu, F., Wu, M.-Y., Choubak, S., Desjardins, P., Martel, R., & Arnold, M. S. (2015). Tailoring the growth rate and surface facet for synthesis of high-quality continuous graphene films from CH₄ at 750 °C via chemical vapor deposition. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119(21), 11516-11523. External link
Lévesque, P. L., Choubak, S., Charpin, C.-B., Cardinal, D., Gagnon, P., Nguyen, M., Desjardins, P., & Martel, R. (2017, March). Graphene growth studies in purified conditions [Paper]. 7th Graphene and 2D Materials International Conference & Exhibition (Graphene 2017), Barcelona, Spain. External link
Nateghi, N., Mukherjee, S., Choubak, S., Nguyen, M., Lévesque, P., Martel, R., Desjardins, P., & Moutanabbir, O. (2015, May). Growth of III-V semiconductors on silicon oxide/silicon using graphene interlayer [Poster]. 9th International Conference on Silicon Epitaxy and Heterostructures (ICSI 2015), Montréal, Québec. Unavailable