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Abran, M., Stähli, B. E., Merlet, N., Mihalache-Avram, T., Mecteau, M., Rhéaume, E., Busseuil, D., Tardif, J.-C., & Lesage, F. (2015). Validating a bimodal intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) and near-infrared fluorescence (NIRF) catheter for atherosclerotic plaque detection in rabbits. Biomedical Optics Express, 6(10), 3989-3999. External link
Bertrand, M.-J., Abran, M., Maafi, F., Busseuil, D., Merlet, N., Mihalache-Avram, T., Geoffroy, P., Tardif, P.-L., Abulrob, A., Arbabi-Ghahroudi, M., Ni, F., Sirois, M., L'Allier, P. L., Rhéaume, É., Lesage, F., & Tardif, J.-C. (2019). In vivo near-infrared fluorescence imaging of atherosclerosis using local delivery of novel targeted molecular probes. Scientific Reports, 9(1). Available
Tardif, P.-L., Bertrand, M.-J., Abran, M., Castonguay, A., Lefebvre, J., Stähli, B. E., Merlet, N., Mihalache-Avram, T., Geoffroy, P., Mecteau, M., Busseuil, D., Ni, F., Abulrob, A., Rhéaume, É., L’Allier, P., Tardif, J.-C., & Lesage, F. (2016). Validating intravascular imaging with serial optical coherence tomography and confocal fluorescence microscopy. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 17(12), 1-12. Available