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St-Gelais, R., Mackey, G., Saunders, J., Zhou, J., Leblanc-Hotte, A., Poulin, A., Barnes, J. A., Loock, H.-P., Brown, R. S., & Peter, Y.-A. (2011, August). A Fabry-Perot refractometer for chemical vapor sensing by solid-phase microextraction [Paper]. 16th International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics (OMN 2011), Istanbul, Turkey. External link
St-Gelais, R., Mackey, G., Saunders, J., Zhou, J., Leblanc-Hotte, A., Barnes, J. A., Loock, H.-P., Peter, Y.-A., & Brown, R. S. (2011, June). Functionalized silicon fabry-perot microcavities for chemical vapor sensing [Paper]. Cavity Enhanced Spectroscopy, Kingston, Ontario. Unavailable