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Boucheneb, H., Barkaoui, K., Xing, Q., Wang, K.Z., Liu, G.Y., & Li, Z.W. (2022). Time based deadlock prevention for Petri nets. Automatica, 137, 110119 (11 pages). External link

Barkaoui, K., Boucheneb, H., & Li, Z. (2020). Exploiting local persistency for reduced state-space generation. Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering, 16(2), 181-197. External link

Boumlik, L., Mejri, M., & Boucheneb, H. (2020). Toward a Formalization of BPEL 2.0 : An Algebra Approach. International Journal on Web Service Computing, 11(1), 1-20. External link

Boucheneb, H., & Barkaoui, K. (2018). Delay-dependent partial order reduction technique for real time systems. Real-Time Systems, 54(2), 278-306. External link

Barkaoui, K., Boucheneb, H., & Li, Z. (2018, September). Exploiting Local Persistency for Reduced State Space Generation [Paper]. 12th International Conference on Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems, Grenoble, France. External link

Barkaoui, K., & Boucheneb, H. (2018). Introduction to special issue on verification and evaluation of computer systems. Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering, 14(2), 81-82. External link

Barkaoui, K., & Boucheneb, H. (2018, September). On Persistency in Time Petri Nets [Paper]. 16th International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems (FORMATS 2018), Beijing, China. External link

Boucheneb, H., Lime, D., Roux, O. H., & Seidner, C. (2018, June). Optimal-cost reachability analysis based on time petri nets [Paper]. 18th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design (ACSD 2018), Bratislava, Slovakia. External link

Boucheneb, H., Lime, D., Parquier, B., Roux, O. H., & Seidner, C. (2017, September). Optimal reachability in cost time Petri nets [Paper]. 15th International Conference on Formal Modelling and Analysis of Timed Systems (FORMATS 2017), Berlin, Germany. External link

Barkaoui, K., Boucheneb, H., Mili, A., & Tahar, S. (2017, August). Verification and evaluation of computer and communication systems [Paper]. 11th International Conference on Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems (VECoS 2017), Montréal, Québec. External link

Boucheneb, H., & Barkaoui, K. (2015, June). Strongly generalized soundness of Time Workflow Nets [Paper]. 15th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design (ACSD 2015), Brussels, Belgium. External link

Boucheneb, H., & Barkaoui, K. (2015). Stubborn sets for time petri nets. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 14(1), 1-25. External link

Boucheneb, H., Barkaoui, K., & Weslati, K. (2014, September). Delay-dependent partial order reduction technique for time petri nets [Paper]. 12th International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems (FORMATS 2014), Florence, Italy. External link

Boucheneb, H., & Barkaoui, K. (2014). On combining the ready sets with the covering steps methods. International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems, 5(1-2), 55-77. External link

Boucheneb, H., & Barkaoui, K. (2014). Partial order reduction for checking soundness of time workflow nets. Information Sciences, 282, 261-276. External link

Boufenara, S., Barkaoui, K., Belala, F., & Boucheneb, H. (2014). Transactional Petri nets: a semantic framework for UML2 activities. International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems, 5(3/4), 241-267. External link

Boucheneb, H., Lime, D., & Roux, O. H. (2013, June). On multi-enabledness in time Petri nets [Paper]. 34th International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency (PETRI NETS 2013), Milan, Italy. External link

Boucheneb, H., & Barkaoui, K. (2013). Reducing interleaving semantics redundancy in reachability analysis of time petri nets. Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 12(1), 1-24. External link

Boucheneb, H., Bullich, A., & Roux, O. H. (2012, October). FIFO time Petri nets for conflicts handling [Paper]. 11th IFAC International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES 2012), Guadalajara, Mexico. External link

Boucheneb, H., & Barkaoui, K. (2012, July). Parametric verification of time workflow nets [Paper]. 24th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2012), Redwood City, CA, USA. Unavailable

Boucheneb, H., & Barkaoui, K. (2012, June). Reachability analysis of P-time petri nets with parametric markings [Paper]. 12th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design (ACSD 2012), Hamburg, Germany. External link

Bullich, A., Boucheneb, H., & Roux, O. H. (2012, July). Refinement of time petri nets semantics in conflict situations [Paper]. 9th International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications (CITSA 2012), Orlando, Florida, USA. External link

Boufenara, S., Barkaoui, K., Belala, F., & Boucheneb, H. (2011, September). On formalizing UML2 activities using TPNets: case studies [Paper]. 5th International Workshop on Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems (VECoS 2011), Tunis, Tunisia (12 pages). Available

Boucheneb, H., & Barkaoui, K. (2011). Relevant timed schedules/clock vectors for constructing time petri net reachability graphs. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and Applications, 21(2), 171-204. External link

Boucheneb, H., & Barkaoui, K. (2010, September). On interleaving in {P,A}-Time Petri nets with strong semantics [Paper]. 12th International Workshop on Verification of Infinite-State Systems, Singapore. External link

Boucheneb, H., Imine, A., & Najem, M. (2010, October). Symbolic Model-Checking of Optimistic Replication Algorithms [Paper]. 8th International Conference on Integrated Formal Methods (IFM 2010), Nancy, France. External link

Boucheneb, H., & Barkaoui, K. (2008, August). Covering Steps Graphs of Time Petri Nets [Paper]. 10th International Workshop on Verification of Infinite-State Systems (INFINITY 2008), Toronto, Canada. Published in Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 239. External link

Boucheneb, H., & Barkaoui, K. (2009, July). On combining the ready sets and the covering steps methods [Paper]. 3rd International Workshop of Verification, Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems (VECos 2009). Unavailable

Boucheneb, H., & Imine, A. (2009, June). On model-checking optimistic replication algorithms [Paper]. Joint 11th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference (FMOODS 2009) and 29th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference (FORTE 2009), Lisboa, Portugal. External link

Boucheneb, H., Gardey, G., & Roux, O. H. (2009). TCTL model checking of time petri nets. Journal of Logic and Computation, 19(6), 1509-1540. External link

Boucheneb, H. (2008). Interval Timed Coloured Petri Net: Efficient Construction of Its State Class Space Preserving Linear Properties. Formal Aspects of Computing, 20(2), 225-238. External link

Boucheneb, H., Barkaoui, K., & Hicheur, A. (2008, September). Modeling and analyzing time-constrained flexible workflows with time recursive ECATNets [Paper]. 5th International Workshop on Web Services and Formal Methods (WS-FM 2008), Milan, Italia. External link

Boucheneb, H., & Rakkay, H. (2008). A more efficient time petri net state space abstraction useful to model checking timed linear properties. Fundamenta Informaticae, 88(4), 469-495. External link

Boucheneb, H., & Barkaoui, K. (2008, September). Relevant timed schedules / clock valuations for constructing time Petri Net reachability graphs [Paper]. 6th International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems (FORMATS 2008), St-Malo, FR. External link

Barkaoui, K., Ben Ayed, R., Boucheneb, H., & Hicheur, A. (2008, October). Verification of workflow processes under multilevel security considerations [Paper]. 3rd International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems (CRiSIS 2008). External link

Boucheneb, H., & Hadjidj, R. (2007, May). Model checking of time Petri nets [Paper]. 1st International Workshop of Verification, Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems (VECos 2007), Algiers, Algeria. External link

Boucheneb, H., & Rakkay, H. (2007, July). A more efficient time Petri net state space abstraction preserving linear properties [Paper]. 7th Conference of Application of Concurrency to System Design, Bratislava, Slovak Republic. External link

Boucheneb, H. (2006). Checking untimed and timed linear properties of the Interval Timed Colored Petri Net Model. [Verificación de las propiedades lineales síncronas y asíncronas del Modelo de la Red de Petri Coloreado Intervalo Tiempo]. Revista Computacion y Sistemas, 10(2), 107-134. External link

Boucheneb, H., & Hadjidj, R. (2006). CTL model checking of Time Petri Nets. Journal of Theorectical Computer Science, 353(1-3), 208-227. External link

Boucheneb, H., & Hadjidj, R. (2006). Using inclusion abstraction to construct atomic state class graphs for time Petri nets. International Journal of Embedded Systems, 2(1-2), 128-139. External link

Boucheneb, H., & Berthelot, G. (2002, April). Contraction of the ITCPN state space [Paper]. Theory and Practice of Timed Systems (Satellite Event of ETAPS 2002), Grenoble, France. Published in Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 65(6). Available

Boucheneb, H., & Hadjidj, R. (2004, September). Towards optimal CTL model checking of time petri nets [Paper]. IFAC Workshop on discrete Event Systems, Reims, France. External link

Boucheneb, H., & Mullins, J. (2003). Analyse des reseaux temporels : Calcul des classes en O(n²) et des temps de chemin en O(m×n). Technique et Science Informatiques, 22(4), 435-459. External link


Dou, H., Barkaoui, K., Boucheneb, H., Jiang, X., & Wang, S. (2019). Maximal good step graph methods for reducing the generation of the state space. IEEE Access, 7, 155805-155817. Available


El Fatimi, L., & Boucheneb, H. (2023). Tumor growth prediction and classification based on the KNN algorithm and discrete-time Markov chains (DTMC). Neural Computing and Applications, 35(13), 9739-9751. External link

El Rhazi, A., Pierre, S., & Boucheneb, H. (2003, May). Secure Protocol in Mobile Agent Environment [Paper]. Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE 2003), Montreal, QC, Canada. External link


Gholami, M.-R., & Boucheneb, H. (2016). Formal Verification of Event-driven Health Applications. Journal of Software Engineering: Theories and Practices, 1(1). External link

Gholami, M.-R., & Boucheneb, H. (2014, October). Applying formal methods into safety-critical health applications [Paper]. 4th International Symposium on Model-Based Safety and Assessment (IMBSA 2014), Munich, Germany. External link

Giraldeau, F., Dagenais, M., & Boucheneb, H. (2014, June). Teaching operating systems concepts with execution visualization [Paper]. 121st ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Indianapolis, Ind., USA. External link

Gheorghe, L., Bouchhima, F., Nicolescu, G., & Boucheneb, H. (2008, March). Semantics for model-based validation of continuous/discrete systems [Paper]. Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition (DATE 2008), Munich, Germany. External link

Gheorghe, L., Bouchhima, F., Nicolescu, G., & Boucheneb, H. (2006, June). Formal definitions of simulation interfaces in a continuous/discrete co-simulation tool [Paper]. 17th IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping, Chania, Crete, Greece. External link


Hetier, G., & Boucheneb, H. (2018, July). On handling source code positions and local variables in LTL software model checking [Paper]. 13th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2018), Porto, Portugal. External link

Hawedi, M., Talhi, C., & Boucheneb, H. (2018). Multi-tenant intrusion detection system for public cloud (MTIDS). Journal of Supercomputing, 74(10), 5199-5230. External link

Hawedi, M., Talhi, C., & Boucheneb, H. (2018, May). Security as a service for public cloud tenants (SaaS) [Paper]. 8th International Symposium on Frontiers in Ambient and Mobile Systems (FAMS 2018), Porto, Portugal. Published in Procedia Computer Science, 130. Available

Heidari, P., Boucheneb, H., & Shami, A. (2015, November). A Formal Approach for QoS Assurance in the Cloud [Paper]. 7th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom 2015), Vancouver, British Colombia. External link

Heidari, P., & Boucheneb, H. (2013). Controller synthesis of time petri nets using stopwatch. Journal of Engineering, 2013, 970487 (13 pages). Available

Heidari, P., & Boucheneb, H. (2013). Maximally permissive controller synthesis for time Petri nets. International Journal of Control, 86(3), 493-511. External link

Heidira, P., & Boucheneb, H. (2012). A forward on-the-fly approach in controller synthesis of time petri nets. In Petri Nets - Manufacturing and Computer Science . External link

Hadjidj, R., & Boucheneb, H. (2011). Efficient reachability analysis for time petri nets. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 60(8), 1085-1099. External link

Heidari, P., & Boucheneb, H. (2010, June). Efficient Method for Checking the Existence of a Safety/ Reachability Controller for Time Petri Nets [Paper]. 10th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design (ACSD 2010), Braga, Portugal. External link

Hadjidj, R., & Boucheneb, H. (2009). On-the-fly T C T L model checking for time Petri nets. Theoretical Computer Science, 410(42), 4241-4261. External link

Hicheur, A., Barkaoui, K., & Boucheneb, H. (2009, June). Design and Verification of Time-Constrained Workflows With Multi-Level Security [Paper]. 2nd IFAC Workshop on Dependable Control of Discrete Systems, Bari, Italy. Published in IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 42(5). External link

Hadjidj, R., & Boucheneb, H. (2008). Improving state class constructions for CTL* model checking of time Petri nets. International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, 10(2), 167-184. External link

Hadjdj, R., & Boucheneb, H. (2008). Model checking of time Petri nets. In Petri Net: Theory and application . External link

Hadjidj, R., & Boucheneb, H. (2007, May). Zenoness detection and times model checking for real time systems [Paper]. 1st International Workshop of Verification, Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems (VECos 2007), Algiers, Algeria. External link

Hadjidj, R., & Boucheneb, H. (2006, June). On-the-fly TCTL model checking for time Petri nets using state class graphs [Paper]. 6th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design, Turku, Finland. External link

Hadjidj, R., & Boucheneb, H. (2005, June). Much Compact Time Petri Net State Class Spaces Useful to Restore CTL* Properties [Paper]. 5th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design (ACSD 2005), St. Malo, France. External link


Iugan, L. G., Boucheneb, H., & Nicolescu, G. (2015). A generic conceptual framework based on formal representation for the design of continuous/discrete co-simulation tools. Design Automation for Embedded Systems, 19(3), 243-275. External link


Kuangze, W., Boucheneb, H., Barkaoui, K., & Zhiwu, L. (2020, October). Towards Efficient Partial Order Techniques for Time Petri Nets [Paper]. 14th International Conference, on Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems (VECoS 2020), Xi'an, China. External link


Lugan, L. G., Nicolescu, G., & Boucheneb, H. (2016, July). Rollback-based simulation for the design of continuous/discrete simulation tools [Paper]. 48th Summer Computer Simulation Conference (SCSC 2016), Montréal, Québec. External link


Moreno-Jimenez, L.-G., Torres-Moreno, J.-M., Boucheneb, H., & Wedemann, R. S. (2020, November). FLE : A fuzzy logic algorithm for classification of emotions in literary corpora [Paper]. 12th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2020). External link

Moussa, M., Ould-Slimane, H., Boucheneb, H., & Chamberland, S. (2014, June). A formal framework for verifying inter-firewalls consistency [Paper]. IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2014), Funchal, Portugal (7 pages). External link


Ould-Yahia, Y., Yacoub, M., Bouzefrane, S., & Boucheneb, H. (2024). Self-organised map and trust-aware-based quality of service prediction for reliable services selection in distributed computing environment. International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms, 28(1-2), 169-192. External link

Ould-Yahia, Y., Bouzefrane, S., Boucheneb, H., & Banerjee, S. (2022). A data-owner centric privacy model with blockchain and adapted attribute-based encryption for internet-of-things and cloud environment. International Journal of Information and Computer Security, 17(3-4), 261-84. External link

Ould-Yahia, Y., Bouzefrane, S., & Boucheneb, H. (2018, April). Towards privacy and ownership preserving of outsourced health data in IoT-cloud context [Paper]. International Symposium on Programming and Systems (ISPS 2018), Algiers, Algeria (6 pages). External link

Ould-Yahia, Y., Banerjee, S., Bouzefrane, S., & Boucheneb, H. (2017). Exploring formal strategy framework for the security in iot towards e-health context using computational intelligence. In Internet of Things and Big Data Technologies for Next Generation Healthcare (Vol. 23, pp. 63-90). External link

Ould-Slimane, H., Bande, M., & Boucheneb, H. (2012, October). A collaborative environment for knowledge sharing governed by ABAC policies [Paper]. 8th IEEE International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing (CollaborateCom 2012), Pittsburgh, PA, USA. External link

Ouardani, A., Pierre, S., & Boucheneb, H. (2007). A Security Protocol for Mobile Agents Based Upon the Cooperation of Sedentary Agents. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 30(3), 1228-1243. External link

Ouardani, A., Pierre, S., & Boucheneb, H. (2005, October). A Secure Protocol for Mobile Agents in Hostile Environment [Paper]. 2nd International Workshop Mobility Aware Technologies and Applications (MATA 2005), Montréal, Québec. External link


Parrot, R., Boucheneb, H., Briday, M., & Roux, O. H. (2022, September). Expressiveness and analysis of Delayable Timed Petri Net [Paper]. 16th IFAC Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES 2022), Prague, Czech Republic. Published in IFAC PapersOnLine, 55(28). External link


Randolph, A., Boucheneb, H., Imine, A., & Quintero, A. (2015). On synthesizing a consistent operational transformation approach. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 64(4), 1074-1089. External link

Randolph, A., Imine, A., Boucheneb, H., & Quintero, A. (2014). Spécification et analyse d'un protocole de contrôle d'accès optimiste pour éditeurs collaboratifs répartis. Ingénierie des systèmes d'information, 19(6), 9-32. External link

Randolph, A., Boucheneb, H., Imine, A., & Quintero, A. (2012, August). On consistency of operational transformation approach [Paper]. 14th International Workshop on Verification of Infinite-State Systems (INFINITY 2012), Paris, France. Published in Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS), 107. External link

Randolph, A., Imine, A., Boucheneb, H., & Quintero, A. (2013, September). Specification and Verification Using Alloy of Optimistic Access Control for Distributed Collaborative Editors [Paper]. 18th International Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems (FMICS 2013), Madrid, Spain. External link

Rakkay, H., & Boucheneb, H. (2009). Security analysis of role based access control models using colored petri nets and CPNtools. In Transactions on Computational Science IV: Special Issue on Security in Computing (Vol. 5430, pp. 149-176). External link

Rakkay, H., Boucheneb, H., & Roux, O. H. (2009, July). Time arc Petri nets and their analysis [Paper]. 9th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design, Augsburg, Germany. External link

Rhazi, A. E., Pierre, S., & Boucheneb, H. (2007). A secure protocol based on a sedentary agent for mobile agent environments. Journal of Computer Science, 3(1), 35-42. Available

Rakkay, H., Boucheneb, H., & Roux, O. H. (2007, October). Réseaux de Petri à arcs temporels généralisés aux sémantiques faible et forte [Paper]. 6e Colloque francophone sur la modélisation des systèmes réactifs. Unavailable

Rakkay, H., & Boucheneb, H. (2007, June). Using times colored Petri net to formalize temporal role bases access control policies [Paper]. 7e Conférence internationale sur les nouvelles technologies de la répartition (NOTERE 2007), Marrakech, Maroc. Unavailable

Rakkay, H., & Boucheneb, H. (2006). Timed secure colored petri net based analysis of information flow. Annales des télécommunications, 61(11-12), 1314-1346. External link

Rakkay, H., & Boucheneb, H. (2005, January). Timed secure colored petri net [Paper]. Conférence sur les nouvelles technologies de la répartition (NOTERE 2005). Unavailable


Sba, Z., Barkaoui, K., & Boucheneb, H. (2014, June). Compatibility analysis of time open workflow nets [Paper]. International Workshop on Petri Nets and Software Engineering (PNSE 2014), Tunis, Tunisia. External link


Yassin, M., Ould-Slimane, H., Talhi, C., & Boucheneb, H. (2022). Multi-Tenant Intrusion Detection Framework as a Service for SaaS. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 15(5), 2925-2938. External link

Yassin, M., Talhi, C., & Boucheneb, H. (2019). ITADP: An inter-tenant attack detection and prevention framework for multi-tenant SaaS. Journal of Information Security and Applications, 49, 15 pages. External link

Yassin, M., Ould-Slimane, H., Talhi, C., & Boucheneb, H. (2017, June). SQLIIDaaS: A SQL injection intrusion detection framework as a service for SAAS providers [Paper]. 4th IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Cloud Computing (CSCloud 2017), New York, New York. External link

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