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Bouchard, H., Azelmad, A., Currie, J. F., Meunier, M., Blain, S., & Darwall, T. (1993, April). Thermal Stress in Doped Silicate Glasses (B,P) Deposited by PECVD and LPCVD [Paper]. 1993 MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Published in MRS Proceedings, 308. External link
Bouchard, H., Azelmad, A., Currie, J. F., & Meunier, M. (1992). Variation de la contrainte des verres de silice sous cycle thermique. [Variations of the stress of silicon glass during annealing]. Canadian Journal of Physics, 70(10-11), 830-833. External link
Ivanov, D., Currie, J. F., Bouchard, H., Lecours, A., Andrian, J., Yelon, A., & Poulin, S. (1994). Sputtered silicate-limit NASICON thin films for electrochemical sensors. Solid State Ionics, 67(3-4), 295-299. External link