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Boilard, P., L'Espérance, G., & Blais, C. (2008). Effect of Prealloyed Mns Content and Sintered Density on Machinability and Mechanical Properties. International Journal of Powder Metallurgy, 44(2), 33-40. Unavailable
Blais, C., Serafini, R. E., & L'Espérance, G. (2005). Effect of Hydrogen Concentration in Cooling Zone on Sinter Hardening. International Journal of Powder Metallurgy, 41(4), 33-41. Unavailable
Blais, C., & L'Espérance, G. (2002). Turning and Drilling of Parts Made From Sinter Hardenable Steel Powders. Powder Metallurgy, 45(1), 39-47. External link
Blais, C., L'Espérance, G., & Bourgeois, I. (2001). Characterisation of Machinability of Sintered Steels During Drilling Operations. Powder Metallurgy, 44(1), 67-76. External link
Blais, C., L'Espérance, G., & Forget, C. (2000). Method based on integrated microscopy to determine the fraction of alloyed/unalloyed particles in P/M steel powders and parts. P/M science & technology briefs, 2(5), 18-23. Unavailable
Blais, C., L'Espérance, G., & Evans, G. M. (1999). Characterisation of Inclusions Found in C-Mn Steel Welds Containing Titanium. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 4(3), 143-150. External link
Blais, C., L'Espérance, G., & Miele, P. (1999, May). Experimental evaluation of the reducibility of oxide particles found in powders and P/M parts [Paper]. International Conference and Exhibition on Powder Metallurgy and Particulate Materials, Las Vegas, NV, USA. Unavailable
Blais, C., L'Espérance, G., Baril, E., & St-Pierre, E. (1997, January). Complete characterization of second phase particles using a system integrating SEM, image analysis and EDS [Paper]. IMS-Microstructural science, Seattle, USA. Unavailable
Blais, C., L'Espérance, G., Baril, E., & Forget, C. (1996, August). Characterization of small inclusions: SEM vs TEM, or is it even worth considering SEM [Paper]. Microscopy and microanalysis 1996, Minneapolis, MN (United States). Unavailable
L'Espérance, G., Hovington, P., Baril, E., & Blais, C. (1994, January). Procedures and samples to monitor the long term low energy performance of energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometers [Paper]. Réunion conjointe microscopy society of america (52ieme réunion annuelle) et microbeam analysis society (28ieme réunion annuelle), Nouvelle-Orléan, Louisiana, USA. Unavailable
Tremblay, R., Velev, N., Merzouq, S., Blais, C., Leclerc, M., Léger, P., Massicotte, B., & Rogers, C. Multi-purpose earthquake simulation testing set-up for seismic force resisting systems of multi-storey buildings [Paper]. 1st International conference on Advances in Experimental Structural Engineering, Nagoya, Japan. Unavailable