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Bhattacharya, N. (2010). Verification of software-hardware hybrid systems. (Rapport technique n° EPM-RT-2010-10). Disponible
Bhattacharya, N., El-Mahi, O., Duclos, E., Beltrame, G., Antoniol, G., Le Digabel, S., & Guéhéneuc, Y.-G. (septembre 2012). Optimizing threads schedule alignments to expose the interference bug pattern [Communication écrite]. 4th International Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering (SSBSE 2012), Riva del Garda, Italy. Lien externe
Maiga, A., Ali, N., Bhattacharya, N., Sabané, A., Guéhéneuc, Y.-G., & Aimeur, E. (octobre 2012). SMURF: A SVM-based incremental anti-pattern detection approach [Communication écrite]. 19th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE 2012), Kingston, ON, Canada. Lien externe
Maiga, A., Ali, N., Bhattacharya, N., Sabané, A., Guéhéneuc, Y.-G., Antoniol, G., & Aimeur, E. (septembre 2012). Support vector machines for anti-pattern detection [Communication écrite]. 27th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2012), Essen, Germany. Lien externe
Bhattacharya, N., Sakti, A., Antoniol, G., Guéhéneuc, Y.-G., & Pesant, G. (septembre 2011). Divide-by-zero exception raising via branch coverage [Communication écrite]. 3rd International Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering (SSBSE 2011), Szeged, Hungary. Lien externe
Bhattacharya, N., Sakti, A., Antoniol, G., Guéhéneuc, Y.-G., & Pesant, G. (mars 2011). Performance analysis of metaheuristic and constraint programming approaches [Communication écrite]. 4th International conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, Berlin, Germany. Non disponible
Bhattacharya, N. (mars 2011). SoftwareHardware hybrid systems verification [Communication écrite]. 4th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation, ICST 2011, Berlin, Germany. Lien externe
Bhattacharya, N. (2012). Test Data Generation for Exposing Interference Bugs in Multi-Threaded Systems [Mémoire de maîtrise, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible