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Tran, D. A., Heroux, S., Sorelli, L., Ben Ftima, M., Conciatori, D., Dupuis, C., & Bernier-Lavigne, S. (2024). A Case Study on the Impact of Fiber Distribution on X-Connections of Complex-Shaped UHPFRC Footbridges Cast with Recyclable Formwork. Case Studies in Construction Materials, 22, e04064 (26 pages). External link
Abra, O., & Ben Ftima, M. (2024). Strength Reduction Method for the Assessment of Existing Large Reinforced Concrete Structures. Applied sciences, 14(4), 1614 (19 pages). Available
Argouges, M., Fournier, B., Ben Ftima, M., Bissonnette, B.̂., & Frech-Baronet, J. (2024, May). Characterization of an ASR-Affected Hydraulic Concrete Structure for Numerical Study [Paper]. 17th International Conference on Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in Concrete (ICAAR 2024), Ottawa, ON, Canada. Published in Rilem bookseries, 50. External link
Ben Ftima, M., Sebai, I., Chéruel, A., Lemery, J., & Argouges, M. (2024, May). Boundary Effects Considerations for Concrete Hydraulic Facilities Affected by Alkali-Silica Reaction [Paper]. 17th International Conference on Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in Concrete (ICAAR 2024), Ottawa, ON, Canada. External link
Chéruel, A., Ben Ftima, M., Berton, O., & Argouges, M. (2024). Effects of alkali-silica reaction on the fracture energy of mass concrete: Experimental investigations using the wedge splitting test. Construction and Building Materials, 442, 137637 (15 pages). External link
Ben Ftima, M., Massicotte, B., & Conciatori, D. (2024). New reliability framework for assessment of existing concrete bridge structures. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 89(4), 399-409. External link
Ben Ftima, M., Bernard, P., Cheruel, A., & Argouges, M. (2023). Concrete Hydraulic Structures Affected by Alkali-Aggregate Reaction: Numerical and Experimental Investigations. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 37(6), 15 pages. External link
Freitas, M., Ben Ftima, M., Léger, P., & Bouaanani, N. (2022, May). Evaluation of Concrete Constitutive Models for Finite Element Simulation of Dam Shear Keys [Paper]. Canadian Society of Civil Engineering Annual Conference, Whistler, BC, Canada. External link
Ben Ftima, M., & Yildiz, E. (2023). Failure Mechanisms and Rehabilitation Scenarios for Concrete Hydroelectric Facilities Affected by Alkali–Aggregate Reaction. International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials, 17(1), 17 pages. External link
Tran, D. A., Shen, X., Sorelli, L., Ben Ftima, M., & Brühwiler, E. (2023). Predicting the effect of non-uniform fiber distribution on the tensile response of ultra-high-performance fiber reinforced concrete by magnetic inductance-based finite element analysis. Cement and Concrete Composites, 135, 104810 (47 pages). External link
Chéruel, A., & Ben Ftima, M. (2023). Unrestrained ASR volumetric expansion for mass concrete structures: Review and experimental investigation using 3d laser scanning. Construction and Building Materials, 399, 19 pages. External link
Freitas, M., Ben Ftima, M., Léger, P., & Bouaanani, N. (2022). Three-dimensional failure envelope of concrete dam shear keys. Engineering Structures, 269, 114766 (16 pages). Available
Ben Ftima, M., Chéruel, A., & Argouges, M. (2022, July). Multi-physical Simulation of Concrete Hydraulic Facilities Affected by Alkali-Aggregate Reaction: From Material to Structure [Paper]. RILEM International Conference on Numerical Modeling Strategies for Sustainable Concrete Structures (SSCS), 2022, Marseille, France. External link
Bakour, A., Ben Ftima, M., & Cheruel, A. (2022). Combination of acoustic emission and digital image correlation monitoring for wedge splitting tests on large concrete specimens. Construction and Building Materials, 322, 15 pages. External link
Bakour, A., & Ben Ftima, M. (2022). Investigation of fracture properties and size effects of mass concrete using wedge splitting tests on large specimens. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 259, 19 pages. External link
Abra, O., & Ben Ftima, M. (2022). Strength reduction design method for reinforced concrete structures: Generalization. Engineering Structures, 258, 18 pages. External link
Sanchez, T., Conciatori, D., Ben Ftima, M., & Massicotte, B. (2022). Terrestrial laser scanning for structural inspection with Kriging interpolation. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 18(3), 429-438. External link
Ben Ftima, M., & Lemery, J. (2021). Asymptotic fracture energy for nonlinear simulation of mass concrete structures. Construction and Building Materials, 271, 121542 (12 pages). External link
Bakour, A., & Ben Ftima, M. (2021). Experimental investigations on the asymptotic fracture energy for large mass concrete specimens using wedge splitting test. Construction and Building Materials, 279, 122405 (13 pages). External link
Ben Ftima, M., & Yildiz, E. (2022, May). Revisiting the slot-cutting repair technique for facilities affected by AAR using advanced numerical simulations [Paper]. 16th International Conference on Alkali Aggregate Reaction in Concrete (ICAAR 2020-2022), Lisboa, Portugal. External link
Ben Ftima, M., Bolduc, M., & Léger, P. (2021, May). Structural stability assessment of concrete hydraulic structures affected by AAR [Paper]. 16th International Conference on Alkali Aggregate Reaction in Concrete (ICAAR 2020-2022), Lisboa, Portugal. External link
Ben Ftima, M., Lafrance, S., & Léger, P. (2020). Three-dimensional modelling of shear keys in concrete gravity dams using an advanced grillage method. Water Science and Engineering, 13(3), 223-232. Available
Ben Ftima, M., Joder, M., & Yildiz, E. (2020). Creep modelling for multi-physical simulation of mass concrete structures using the explicit finite element approach. Engineering Structures, 212, 15 pages. External link
Abra, O., & Ben Ftima, M. (2020). Development of a new design approach of reinforced concrete structures based on strength reduction method. Engineering Structures, 207, 12 pages. External link
Lemery, J., Ben Ftima, M., Leclerc, M., & Wang, C. (2020). The disturbed fracture process zone theory for the assessment of the asymptotic fracture energy of concrete. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 231, 16 pages. External link
Lemery, J., Ben Ftima, M., & Leclerc, M. (2019, June). Experimental investigations on the size effect of fracture energy for concretes of hydraulic structures [Paper]. 10th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures (FraMCoS-10), Pau, France. External link
Ben Ftima, M., & Yildiz, E. (2019, June). Study of concrete hydroelectric facilities affected by AAR using multiphysical simulation [Paper]. 2019 ICOLD Annual Symposium, Ottawa, ON, Canada. Unavailable
Ben Ftima, M., & Yildiz, E. (2018, October). Multi-physical simulation of concrete hydroelectric facilities affected by AAR : towards engineering predictive tools [Paper]. 2018 CAD Annual Conference & Exhibition, Québec, Qc, Canada. Unavailable
Vulliet, F., Ben Ftima, M., & Léger, P. (2017). Stability of cracked concrete hydraulic structures by nonlinear quasi-static explicit finite element and 3D limit equilibrium methods. Computers & Structures, 184, 25-35. Available
Massicotte, B., Jolicoeur, O., Ben Ftima, M., & Lagier, F. (2017, September). Effectiveness of UHPFRC cover for the seismic strengthening of deficient bridge piers [Paper]. 39th IABSE Symposium : Engineering the Future, Vancouver, BC. External link
Ben Ftima, M., Léger, P., & Boussaha, F. (2017, June). Nonlinear finite elements for the assessment of hydraulic concrete structures affected by alkali-aggregate reaction: a case study [Paper]. Dam Swelling Concrete (DSC 2017), Chambéry, France. External link
Ben Ftima, M., Sadouki, H., & Brühwiler, E. (2016, May). Development of a computational multi-physical framework for the use of nonlinear explicit approach in the assessment of concrete structures affected by alkali-aggregate reaction [Paper]. 9th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures (FraMCoS-9), Berkeley, California. External link
Ben Ftima, M., & Massicotte, B. (2015). Utilization of nonlinear finite elements for the design and assessment of large concrete structures. I: Calibration and validation. Journal of Structural Engineering (United States), 141(9), 12 pages. External link
Ben Ftima, M., & Massicotte, B. (2015). Utilization of nonlinear finite elements for the design and assessment of large concrete structures. II: Applications. Journal of Structural Engineering (United States), 141(9), 9 pages. External link
Ben Ftima, M., Massicotte, B., & Mousseau, S. (2017, July). Steel-fibre reinforcement for large hydraulic concrete structures: Numerical investigations on a semi-spiral case [Paper]. Joint ACI-fib International Workshop on Fibre-Reinforced Concrete: From Design to Structural Applications (FRC 2014), Montréal, Québec. External link
Ben Ftima, M. (2013). Utilisation de la méthode des éléments finis non-linéaires pour la conception des structures en béton armé: application aux structures massives [Ph.D. thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Available
Ben Ftima, M., & Massicotte, B. (2012). Development of a reliability framework for the use of advanced nonlinear finite elements in the design of concrete structures. Journal of Structural Engineering-Asce, 138(8), 1054-1064. External link
Ben Ftima, M., & Léger, P. (2006). Seismic stability of cracked concrete dams using rigid block models. Computers and Structures, 84(28), 1802-1814. External link
Tremblay, R., Ben Ftima, M., & Sabelli, R. (2004, January). An innovative bracing configuration for improved seismic response [Paper]. recent advances and new trends in structural design international colloquium, Timisoara, Romania. Unavailable
Sadek, F., Ben Ftima, M., El-Borgi, S., McCormick, J., & Riley, M. A. (2002, July). Control of hysteretic structures using H∞ algorithm and stochastic linearization techniques [Paper]. 7th US National Conference Earthquake Engineering, Boston, Massachusetts. External link
Ben Ftima, M., Sadek, F., El-Borgi, S., & Riley, M. A. (2001, February). Stochastic linearization for control of hysteretic structures using H∞ algorithm [Paper]. 19th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC XIX - 2001), Orlando, Florida. External link