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Nombre de documents: 11


Guerboukha, H., Nallappan, K., Cao, Y., Seghilani, M., Azana, J., & Skorobogatiy, M. A. (septembre 2019). Low-loss planar porous components for terahertz beamforming [Communication écrite]. 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz 2019), Paris, France (2 pages). Lien externe

Guerboukha, H., Nallappan, K., Cao, Y., Seghilani, M., Azana, J., & Skorobogatiy, M. A. (2019). Planar Porous Components for Low-Loss Terahertz Optics. Advanced Optical Materials, 7(15), 12 pages. Lien externe


Kaushal, S., Roberge, A., Kashyap, R., & Azana, J. (juillet 2022). All-fiber based High-speed Linear Passive NOT Gate [Communication écrite]. Signal Processing in Photonic Communications 2022, Maastricht, Netherlands. Lien externe

Kaushal, S., Roberge, A., Kashyap, R., & Azana, J. (novembre 2022). Group-velocity Dispersion Compensation over a 70.56-km Fibre-optic Telecom Link using a cm-long In-fibre Device [Communication écrite]. IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC 2022), Vancouver, BC, Canada (2 pages). Lien externe

Kues, M., Reimer, C., Sciara, S., Roztocki, P., Islam, M., Cortes, L. R., Zhang, Y., Fischer, B., Loranger, S., Kashyap, R., Cino, A., Chu, S. T., Little, B. E., Moss, D. J., Caspani, L., Munro, W. J., Azana, J., & Morandotti, R. (juillet 2017). D-dimensional frequency-time entangled cluster states with on-chip frequency combs [Communication écrite]. Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics (IPRSN 2019), Burlingame, CA, United states. Lien externe


Montaut, N., Roztocki, P., Chemnitz, M., Sciara, S., MacLellan, B., Fischer, B., Jestin, Y., Cortes, L. R., Zhang, Y., Azana, J., Morandotti, R., Chu, S. T., Moss, D. J., Reimer, C., Kues, M., Little, B. E., Yu, H., Wang, Z., Caspani, L., ... Cino, A. (novembre 2022). Telecom-compatible, affordable and scalable quantum technologies [Communication écrite]. IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC 2022), Vancouver, BC, Canada (2 pages). Lien externe

Mortazy, E., Le Drogoff, B., Azana, J., Chaker, M., & Tehranchi, A. (juillet 2011). Chirped Bragg grating in silicon based rib waveguide [Communication écrite]. 7th International Workshop on Fibre and Optical Passive Components, WFOPC2011, Montréal, Québec. Lien externe


Roztocki, P., Chemnitz, M., Maclellan, B., Sciara, S., Reimer, C., Islam, M., Cortes, L. R., Zhang, Y., Fisher, B., Loranger, S., Kashyap, R., Cino, A., Chu, S. T., Little, B. E., Moss, D. J., Caspani, L., Munro, W. J., Azana, J., Kues, M., & Morandotti, R. (juillet 2020). Designing time and frequency entanglement for generation of high-dimensional photon cluster states [Communication écrite]. 22nd International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2020), Bari, Italy (4 pages). Lien externe

Reimer, C., Kues, M., Sciara, S., Roztocki, P., Islam, M., Cortes, L. R., Zhang, Y., Fischer, B., Loranger, S., Kashyap, R., Cino, A., Chu, S. T., Little, B. E., Moss, D. J., Caspani, L., Munro, W. J., Azana, J., & Morandotti, R. (mai 2019). High-dimensional one-way quantum computation operations with on-chip optical d-level cluster states [Communication écrite]. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO: QELS Fundamentals Science 2019), San Jose, CA, United states. Lien externe

Reimer, C., Sciara, S., Roztocki, P., Islam, M., Cortes, L. R., Zhang, Y., Fischer, B., Loranger, S., Kashyap, R., Cino, A., Chu, S. T., Little, B. E., Moss, D. J., Caspani, L., Munro, W. J., Azana, J., Kues, M., & Morandotti, R. (2019). High-dimensional one-way quantum processing implemented on d-level cluster states. Nature Physics, 15(2), 148-153. Lien externe


Sciara, S., Reimer, C., Kues, M., Roztocki, P., Islam, M., Cortes, L. R., Zhang, Y., Fisher, B., Loranger, S., Kashyap, R., Cino, A. C., Chu, S. T., Little, B. E., Moss, D. J., Caspani, L., Munro, W. J., Azana, J., & Morandotti, R. (juillet 2019). On-chip Generation, Coherent Control and Processing of Complex Entangled Photon States [Communication écrite]. IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series (SUM 2019), Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA (2 pages). Lien externe

Liste produite: Sat Feb 22 03:08:36 2025 EST.