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Arabi, K., & Sawan, M. (1999). Electronic design and realization of a new multiprogrammable microimplant for neuromuscular electrical stimulation. IEEE Transactions on Rehabilitation Engineering, 7(2), 204-214. External link
Arabi, K., & Kaminska, B. (1998). Design for Testability of Embedded Integrated Operational Amplifiers. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 33(4), 573-581. External link
Arabi, K., Kaminska, B., & Sawan, M. (1998). On Chip Testing Data Converters Using Static Parameters. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 6(3), 409-419. External link
Arabi, K., & Sawan, M. (1996). Implantable multiprogrammable microstimulator dedicated to bladder control. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 34(1), 9-12. External link
Ehsanian, M., Kaminska, B., & Arabi, K. (1998). New on-Chip Digital Bist for Analog-to-Digital Converters. Microelectronics and reliability, 38(3), 409-420. External link
Robin, S., Tu, L. M., Arabi, K., Shaker, H., Sawan, M., & Elhilali, M. M. (1996, October). A new FES system dedicated to selective stimulation: acute studies in dogs [Paper]. 18th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 1996), Amsterdam, Netherlands. External link
Shaker, H. S., Tu, L. M., Robin, S., Arabi, K., Hassouna, M., Sawan, M., & Elhilali, M. M. (1998). Reduction of Bladder Outlet Resistance by Selective Sacral Root Stimulation Using High-Frequency Blockade in Dogs: an Acute Study. Journal of Urology, 160(3), 901-907. External link
Sawan, M., Arabi, K., & Provost, B. (1997). Implantable volume monitor and miniaturized stimulator dedicated to bladder control. Artificial Organs, 21(3), 219-222. Unavailable
Sawan, M., Robin, S., Provost, B., Eid, Y., & Arabi, K. (1996, October). Wireless implantable electrical stimulator based on two FPGAs [Paper]. 3rd IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems (ICECS 1996), Rhodes, Greece. External link