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Ansorge, S., Lanthier, S., Transfiguracion, J., Henry, O., & Kamen, A. A. (2011). Monitoring lentiviral vector production kinetics using online permittivity measurements. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 54(1), 16-25. External link
Ansorge, S. (2010). Development of a Scalable Process for Lentiviral Vector Mass Production by Transient Transfection [Ph.D. thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Available
Ansorge, S., Henry, O., Aucoin, M., Voyer, R., Carvell, J. P., & Kamen, A. (2007, June). Monitoring the Cell Size Distribution of Mammalian Cell Cultures Using On-Line Capacitance Measurements [Paper]. 20th ESACT Meeting, Dresden, Germany. External link
Ansorge, S., Henry, O., & Kamen, A. A. (2010). Recent progress in lentiviral vector mass production. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 48(3), 362-377. External link
Ansorge, S., Lanthier, S., Transfiguracion, J., Durocher, Y., Henry, O., & Kamen, A. (2009). Development of a Scalable Process for High-Yield Lentiviral Vector Production by Transient Transfection of Hek293 Suspension Cultures. Journal of Gene Medicine, 11(10), 868-876. External link
Henry, O., Ansorge, S., Aucoin, M., Voyer, R., & Kamen, A. (2007, June). On-line monitoring of cell size distribution in mammalian cell culture processes [Paper]. 10th IFAC Symposium on Computer Applications in Biotechnology, Cancun, Mexico. Published in IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 40(4). External link
Le Ru, A., Jacob, D., Transfiguracion, J., Ansorge, S., Henry, O., & Kamen, A. A. (2010). Scalable Production of Influenza Virus in Hek-293 Cells for Efficient Vaccine Manufacturing. Vaccine, 28(21), 3661-3671. External link
Mellahi, K., Brochu, D., Gilbert, M., Perrier, M., Ansorge, S., Durocher, Y., & Henry, O. (2019). Assessment of fed-batch cultivation strategies for an inducible CHO cell line. Journal of Biotechnology, 298, 45-56. External link
Mellahi, K., Cambay, F., Brochu, D., Gilbert, M., Perrier, M., Ansorge, S., Durocher, Y., & Henry, O. (2019). Process development for an inducible rituximab-expressing Chinese hamster ovary cell line. Biotechnology Progress, 35(1), e2742. External link
Mellahi, K., Brochu, D., Gilbert, M., Perrier, M., Ansorge, S., Durocher, Y., & Henry, O. (2019). Process intensification for the production of rituximab by an inducible CHO cell line. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 42(5), 711-725. External link
Petiot, E., Jacob, D., Lanthier, S., Lohr, V., Ansorge, S., & Kamen, A. A. (2011). Metabolic and Kinetic analyses of influenza production in perfusion HEK293 cell culture. BMC Biotechnology, 11(1), 84 (12 pages). Available
Venereo-Sanchez, A., Fulton, K., Koczka, K., Twine, S., Chahal, P., Ansorge, S., Gilbert, R., Henry, O., & Kamen, A. (2019). Characterization of influenza H1N1 Gag virus-like particles and extracellular vesicles co-produced in HEK-293SF. Vaccine, 37(47), 7100-7107. External link
Venereo-Sanchez, A., Simoneau, M., Lanthier, S., Chahal, P., Bourget, L., Ansorge, S., Gilbert, R., Henry, O., & Kamen, A. (2017). Process intensification for high yield production of influenza H1N1 Gag virus-like particles using an inducible HEK-293 stable cell line. Vaccine, 35(33), 4220-4228. External link
Venereo-Sanchez, A., Gilbert, R., Simoneau, M., Caron, A., Chahal, P., Chen, W., Ansorge, S., Li, X., Henry, O., & Kamen, A. (2016). Hemagglutinin and neuraminidase containing virus-like particles produced in HEK-293 suspension culture: An effective influenza vaccine candidate. Vaccine, 34(29), 3371-3380. External link