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Blanc, D., Pelissier, S., Najafi, S. I., & Andrews, M. P. (septembre 1999). Efficient surface gratings in hybrid sol-gel glasses [Communication écrite]. Optical devices for fiber communication. Conference, Boston, MA, USA. Lien externe


Coudray, P., Chisham, J. E., Malek-Tabrizi, A., Li, C.-Y., Andrews, M. P., & Najafi, S. I. (janvier 1996). UV-light-imprinted sol-gel silica glass waveguide 1x8 beam splitter on silicon [Communication écrite]. Functional Photonic and Fiber Devices, San Jose, CA, USA. Lien externe


Du, X. M., Touam, T., Degachi, L., Guilbault, J. L., Andrews, M. P., & Najafi, S. I. (1998). Sol-Gel Waveguide Fabrication Parameters: an Experimental Investigation. Optical Engineering, 37(4), 1101-1104. Lien externe


Farfad, M. A., Najafi, S. I., & Andrews, M. P. (2000). Solvent-assisted lithographic process using photosensitive sol-gel derived glass for depositing ridge waveguides on silicon. (Brevet no US6054253). Lien externe

François, V., Najafi, S. I., Ohtsuki, T., Peygambarian, N., Honkanen, S., Lafrenière, S., & Andrews, M. P. Progress toward realization of rare-earth-doped glass integrated-optics lasers [Communication écrite]. Nanofabrication Technologies and Device Integration. Lien externe


Li, C.-Y., Ingenhoff, J., Najafi, S. I., Chisham, J., MacLachlan, M., Andrews, M. P., Kao, Y.-H., Mackenzie, J. D., Ohtsuki, T., & Peyghambarian, N. (février 1995). Er-doped sol-gel glasses for integrated optics [Communication écrite]. Optoelectronic Integrated Circuit Materials, Physics, and Devices, San Jose, CA, USA. Lien externe


Milova, G., Najafi, S. I., Skirtach, A., Simkin, D., & Andrews, M. P. Erbium in photosensitive hybrid organoaluminosilicate sol-gel glasses [Communication écrite]. Integrated Optics Devices : Potential for Commercialization. Lien externe


Najafi, S. I., Li, C.-Y., Chisham, J. E., Andrews, M. P., Coudray, P., Malek-Tabrizi, A., & Peyghambarian, N. (janvier 1996). Ultraviolet-light-imprinted sol-gel silica glass channel waveguides on silicon [Communication écrite]. Functional Photonic and Fiber Devices, San Jose, CA, USA. Lien externe

Najafi, S. I., Li, C.-Y., Andrews, M. P., Chisham, J., Lefebvre, P., Mackenzie, J. D., & Peyghambarian, N. (février 1995). Integrated optics devices by ultraviolet light imprinting in sol-gel silica glass [Communication écrite]. Functional Photonic Integrated Circuits, San Jose, CA, USA. Lien externe


Rahmani, S., Touam, T., Andrews, M. P., & Najafi, S. I. (juillet 1998). Polyglass integrated photonic devices [Communication écrite]. Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials for Photonics, San Diego, CA, USA. Lien externe

Liste produite: Sat Feb 22 03:30:26 2025 EST.