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Aissiou, M., Curnier, D., Caru, M., Hafyane, T., Leleu, L., Krajinovic, M., Laverdière, C., Sinnett, D., Andelfinger, G., Cheriet, F., & Périé-Curnier, D. (2021). Detection of doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity using myocardial T1 and T2 relaxation times in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia survivors. International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging, 38(4), 873-882. External link
Caru, M., Curnier, D., Dubois, P., Friedrich, M. G., Andelfinger, G., Krajinovic, M., Laverdière, C., Sinnett, D., & Périé-Curnier, D. (2023). Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Survivors. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 20(6), 522-530. External link
Caru, M., Corbin, D., Périé-Curnier, D., Lemay, V., Delfrate, J., Drouin, S., Bertout, L., Krajinovic, M., Laverdiere, C., Andelfinger, G., Sinnett, D., & Curnier, D. (2019). Doxorubicin treatments induce significant changes on the cardiac autonomic nervous system in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia long-term survivors. Clinical Research in Cardiology, 108(9), 1000-1008. External link
Jafari, A., Afarian, A.-S., Amirsadeghi, A., van Vliet, P. P., Darvish, M., Watson, S., Mousavi, A., Niknezhad, V., Andelfinger, G., Reuter, S., Wertheimer, M. R., Ajji, A., & Savoji, H. (2024). Combination of 3D Printing, Plasma Polymerization, and Bioactive Coatings Towards Fabrication of Eggshell Biowaste/Polycaprolactone Composite Scaffolds for Bone Regeneration. Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, 7, 131 (16 pages). External link
Jafari, A., Niknezhad, S. V., Kaviani, M., Saleh, W., Wong, N., Van Vliet, P. P., Moraes, C., Ajji, A., Kadem, L., Azarpira, N., Andelfinger, G., & Savoji, H. (2023). Formulation and Evaluation of PVA/Gelatin/Carrageenan Inks for 3D Printing and Development of Tissue-Engineered Heart Valves. Advanced Functional Materials, 18 pages. External link
Mousavi, A., Hedayatnia, A., van Vliet, P. P., Dartora, D. R., Wong, N., Rafatian, N., Nuyt, A. M., Moraes, C., Ajji, A., Andelfinger, G., & Savoji, H. (2024). Development of photocrosslinkable bioinks with improved electromechanical properties for 3D bioprinting of cardiac BioRings. Applied Materials Today, 36, 102035 (19 pages). External link
Uwase, E., Caru, M., Curnier, D., Abasq, M., Andelfinger, G., Krajinovic, M., Laverdière, C., Sinnett, D., & Périé-Curnier, D. (2023). Relationship between cardiac mechanical properties and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging at rest in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia survivors. International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging, 39, 2589-2598. External link
Uwase, E., Caru, M., Curnier, D., Meng, M. A., Andelfinger, G., Krajinovic, M., Laverdiere, C., Sinnett, D., & Périé-Curnier, D. (2023). Cardiac Mechanical Performance Assessment at Different Levels of Exercise in Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Survivors. Journal of Pediatric Hematology Oncology, 45(5), 247-255. External link