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Dans le contexte de cette page, le nuage de mots a été généré à partir des publications de l'auteur Beongku An. Les mots présents dans ce nuage proviennent des titres, résumés et mots-clés des articles et travaux de recherche de cet auteur. En analysant ce nuage de mots, vous pouvez obtenir un aperçu des sujets et des domaines de recherche les plus récurrents et significatifs dans les travaux de cet auteur.Le nuage de mots est un outil utile pour identifier les tendances et les thèmes principaux dans un corpus de textes, facilitant ainsi la compréhension et l'analyse des contenus de manière visuelle et intuitive.
Do, T. N., Nguyen, V.-D., Shin, O.-S., & An, B. (2019). Simultaneous Uplink and Downlink Transmissions for Wireless Powered Communication Networks. IEEE Communications Letters, 23(2), 374-377. Lien externe
Do, T. N., Benevides da Costa, D., Duong, T. Q., & An, B. (2018). Improving the Performance of Cell-Edge Users in MISO-NOMA Systems Using TAS and SWIPT-Based Cooperative Transmissions. IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, 2(1), 49-62. Lien externe
Do, T. N., Benevides da Costa, D., Duong, T. Q., & An, B. (2018). Improving the Performance of Cell-Edge Users in NOMA Systems Using Cooperative Relaying. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 66(5), 1883-1901. Lien externe
Do, T. N., & An, B. (janvier 2018). Optimal sum-throughput analysis for downlink cooperative SWIPT NOMA systems [Communication écrite]. 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Signal Processing, Telecommunications & Computing (SigTelCom 2018), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Lien externe
Do, T. N., Benevides da Costa, D., Duong, T. Q., & An, B. (2017). A BNBF User Selection Scheme for NOMA-Based Cooperative Relaying Systems With SWIPT. IEEE Communications Letters, 21(3), 664-667. Lien externe
Do, T. N., Benevides da Costa, D., Duong, T. Q., Nguyen Quoc Bao, V., & An, B. (2017). Exploiting Direct Links in Multiuser Multirelay SWIPT Cooperative Networks With Opportunistic Scheduling. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 16(8), 5410-5427. Lien externe
Do, T. N., Benevides da Costa, D., Duong, T. Q., & An, B. (décembre 2017). A Full-Duplex Cooperative Scheme with Distributed Switch-and-Stay Combining for NOMA Networks [Communication écrite]. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2017), Singapore (6 pages). Lien externe
Do, T. N., Benevides da Costa, D., Duong, T. Q., Nguyen Quoc Bao, V., & An, B. (janvier 2017). Opportunistic scheduling for fixed-gain amplify-and-forward-based multiuser multirelay SWIPT cooperative networks [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Recent Advances in Signal Processing, Telecommunications & Computing (SigTelCom 2017), Da Nang, Vietnam. Lien externe
Do, T. N., Benevides da Costa, D., Duong, T. Q., & An, B. (mai 2017). Transmit antenna selection schemes for MISO-NOMA cooperative downlink transmissions with hybrid SWIPT protocol [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2017), Paris, France (6 pages). Lien externe
Do, T. N., Dung, L. T., An, B., & Nam, S.-Y. (janvier 2016). Connectivity of hybrid overlay/underlay cognitive radio ad hoc networks [Communication écrite]. 15th International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communications (ICEIC 2016), Danang, Vietnam (4 pages). Lien externe
Do, T. N., Nguyen Quoc Bao, V., & An, B. (2016). Outage Performance Analysis of Relay Selection Schemes in Wireless Energy Harvesting Cooperative Networks over Non-Identical Rayleigh Fading Channels. Sensors, 16(3), 295 (19 pages). Lien externe
Do, T. N., Benevides da Costa, D., & An, B. (2016). Performance analysis of multirelay RF energy harvesting cooperative networks with hardware impairments. IET Communications, 10(18), 2551-2558. Lien externe
Do, T. N., & An, B. (novembre 2015). Outage Analysis of Best Relay Selection Scheme for Wireless Energy Harvesting Relay Networks [Communication écrite]. IEEK Fall Conference 2015, Gwangju, South Korea. Non disponible
Do, T. N., Nguyen Quoc Bao, V., & An, B. (octobre 2015). A relay selection protocol for wireless energy harvesting relay networks [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications (ATC 2015), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Lien externe
Do, T. N., & An, B. (juillet 2015). Secure Transmission Using Decode-and-Forward Protocol for Underlay Cognitive Radio Networks [Communication écrite]. 7th International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN 2015), Sapporo, Japan. Lien externe
Do, T. N., & An, B. (2015). A Soft-Hard Combination-Based Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Scheme for Cognitive Radio Networks. Sensors, 15(2), 4388-4407. Lien externe
Do, T. N., & An, B. (juin 2014). Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Schemes with the Interference Constraint in Cognitive Radio Networks [Communication écrite]. International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control (IS3C 2014), Taichung, Taiwan. Lien externe
Do, T. N., & An, B. (2014). Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Schemes with the Interference Constraint in Cognitive Radio Networks. Sensors, 14(5), 8037-8056. Lien externe
Nguyen, T.-V., Do, T. N., Nguyen Quoc Bao, V., Benevides da Costa, D., & An, B. (2020). On the Performance of Multihop Cognitive Wireless Powered D2D Communications in WSNs. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 69(3), 2684-2699. Lien externe
Nguyen, T.-V., Do, T. N., Nguyen Quoc Bao, V., Benevides da Costa, D., & An, B. (décembre 2019). Performance Analysis of Multihop Cognitive WPCNs with Imperfect CSI [Communication écrite]. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2019), Waikoloa, HI, USA (6 pages). Lien externe
Nguyen, T.-V., Nguyen, V.-D., Do, T. N., Benevides da Costa, D., & An, B. (décembre 2019). Spectral Efficiency Maximization for Multiuser MISO-NOMA Downlink Systems with SWIPT [Communication écrite]. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2019), Waikoloa, HI, USA (6 pages). Lien externe
Nguyen, T.-V., Do, T. N., Nguyen Quoc Bao, V., & An, B. (2018). Performance Analysis of Wireless Energy Harvesting Multihop Cluster-Based Networks Over Nakagami-m Fading Channels. IEEE Access, 6, 3068-3084. Lien externe
Shim, K., Do, T. N., Nguyen, T.-V., Benevides da Costa, D., & An, B. (2021). Enhancing PHY-Security of FD-Enabled NOMA Systems Using Jamming and User Selection: Performance Analysis and DNN Evaluation. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 8(24), 17476-17494. Lien externe
Shim, K., Do, T. N., & An, B. (juillet 2018). Improving Physical Layer Security of NOMA Networks by Using Opportunistic Scheduling [Communication écrite]. 10th International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN 2018), Prague, Czech Republic. Lien externe
Shim, K., Do, T. N., & An, B. (février 2018). A physical layer security-based routing protocol in mobile ad-hoc wireless networks [Communication écrite]. 20th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT 2018), Chuncheon, South Korea. Lien externe
Shim, K., Oh, H., Do, T. N., & An, B. (juillet 2018). A Physical Layer Security-Based Transmit Antenna Selection Scheme for NOMA Systems [Communication écrite]. 10th International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN 2018), Prague, Czech Republic. Lien externe
Shim, K., Do, T. N., & An, B. (2017). Performance Analysis of Physical Layer Security of Opportunistic Scheduling in Multiuser Multirelay Cooperative Networks. Sensors, 17(2), 377 (19 pages). Lien externe
Shim, K., Do, T. N., & An, B. (2016). The Impact of Hardware Impairments and Imperfect Channel State Information on Physical Layer Security. Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers, 53(4), 79-86. Lien externe
Shim, K., Do, T. N., An, B., & Nam, S.-Y. (janvier 2016). Outage performance of physical layer security for multi-hop underlay cognitive radio networks with imperfect channel state information [Communication écrite]. 15th International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communications (ICEIC 2016), Danang, Vietnam (4 pages). Lien externe
Triwidyastuti, Y., Do, T. N., Perdana, R. H. Y., Shim, K., & An, B. (2025). Transfer Learning-Empowered Physical Layer Security in Aerial Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces-Based Mobile Networks. IEEE Access, 20 pages. Lien externe