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Investigation of silicon sublattice substitution within (Al,Si)3Zr intermetallics via DFT simulations

Juan-Ricardo Castillo-Sánchez, Aïmen E. Gheribi, Paul Lafaye, Georges Salloum-Abou-Jaoude and Jean-Philippe Harvey

Paper (2023)

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Aluminum alloys commonly contain Si as an impurity or alloying element. The energetic behavior of Si within multiple compounds and solutions is incorporated inside thermochemical packages, such as FactSage. This tool allows determining the Si partitioning within complex multiphasic systems. Recent experimental research suggests that Si can be found within Al3Zr-based intermetallics. Nevertheless, current FactSage databases do not consider the potential substitution of Si within the Al3Zr-D023 solid solution. In this work, Si substitution within the (Al,Si)3Zr-D023 phase was investigated by means of first-principles calculations. Replacement of Al atoms by Si resulted in a negative enthalpy of mixing, indicating that Si substitution is energetically enabled. The density of states (DOS) for both a Si-diluted (Al,Si)3Zr and a non-Si-doped (Al3Zr) simulation cells were analyzed. It is shown that (even in dilution), Si significantly impacts the electronic structure of the Al3Zr-D023 structure. Specifically, the presence of Si localizes electrons in the p orbital of Al, and increases the DOS of the dxy, dxz, and dyz sub-orbitals of Zr at low energies. Thus, yielding a coupled effect that stabilizes the D023 intermetallic. These findings are a benchmark for the future integration of a Si-based end-member within the Al3Zr-D023 solid solution of FactSage databases.

Uncontrolled Keywords

Al3Zr ; si-substitution; DFT; enthalpy of mixing; density of states

Subjects: 1800 Chemical engineering > 1800 Chemical engineering
1800 Chemical engineering > 1803 Thermodynamics
Department: Department of Chemical Engineering
Research Center: CRCT - Centre for Research in Computational Thermochemistry
PolyPublie URL: https://publications.polymtl.ca/53721/
Conference Title: 16th International Conference on Modelling of Casting Welding and Advanced Solidification Processes (MCWASP 2023)
Conference Location: Banff, Alberta, Canada
Conference Date(s): 2023-06-18 - 2023-06-23
Journal Title: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (vol. 1281, no. 1)
Publisher: IOP Publishing
DOI: 10.1088/1757-899x/1281/1/012055
Official URL: https://doi.org/10.1088/1757-899x/1281/1/012055
Date Deposited: 10 Jul 2023 16:30
Last Modified: 03 Oct 2024 06:39
Cite in APA 7: Castillo-Sánchez, J.-R., Gheribi, A. E., Lafaye, P., Salloum-Abou-Jaoude, G., & Harvey, J.-P. (2023, June). Investigation of silicon sublattice substitution within (Al,Si)3Zr intermetallics via DFT simulations [Paper]. 16th International Conference on Modelling of Casting Welding and Advanced Solidification Processes (MCWASP 2023), Banff, Alberta, Canada (8 pages). Published in IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1281(1). https://doi.org/10.1088/1757-899x/1281/1/012055


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