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Environmental screening of electrode materials for a rechargeable aluminum battery with an AlCl3/EMIMCl electrolyte

Linda Ellingsen, Alex Holland, Jean-Francois Drillet, Willi Peters, Martin Eckert, Carlos Concepcion, Oscar Ruiz, Jean-François Colin, Etienne Knipping, Qiaoyan Pan, Richard Wills et Guillaume Majeau-Bettez

Article de revue (2018)

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Recently, rechargeable aluminum batteries have received much attention due to their low cost, easy operation, and high safety. As the research into rechargeable aluminum batteries with a room-temperature ionic liquid electrolyte is relatively new, research efforts have focused on finding suitable electrode materials. An understanding of the environmental aspects of electrode materials is essential to make informed and conscious decisions in aluminum battery development. The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare the relative environmental performance of electrode material candidates for rechargeable aluminum batteries with an AlCl3/EMIMCl (1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride) room-temperature ionic liquid electrolyte. To this end, we used a lifecycle environmental screening framework to evaluate 12 candidate electrode materials. We found that all of the studied materials are associated with one or more drawbacks and therefore do not represent a “silver bullet” for the aluminum battery. Even so, some materials appeared more promising than others did. We also found that aluminum battery technology is likely to face some of the same environmental challenges as Li-ion technology but also offers an opportunity to avoid others. The insights provided here can aid aluminum battery development in an environmentally sustainable direction.

Mots clés

Al-ion battery; rechargeable aluminum battery; electrode materials; anode material; cathode material; electrical energy storage; climate mitigation; environmental screening; sustainable development

Sujet(s): 1800 Génie chimique > 1800 Génie chimique
2500 Génie électrique et électronique > 2500 Génie électrique et électronique
Département: Département de génie chimique
Centre de recherche: CIRAIG - Centre international de référence sur le cycle de vie des produits, procédés et services
Organismes subventionnaires: Horizon 2020, EPSRC CDT in Energy Storage and its Applications
Numéro de subvention: 646286, EP/L016818/1
URL de PolyPublie: https://publications.polymtl.ca/3244/
Titre de la revue: Materials (vol. 11, no 6)
Maison d'édition: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/ma11060936
URL officielle: https://doi.org/10.3390/ma11060936
Date du dépôt: 29 août 2018 14:49
Dernière modification: 25 sept. 2024 15:36
Citer en APA 7: Ellingsen, L., Holland, A., Drillet, J.-F., Peters, W., Eckert, M., Concepcion, C., Ruiz, O., Colin, J.-F., Knipping, E., Pan, Q., Wills, R., & Majeau-Bettez, G. (2018). Environmental screening of electrode materials for a rechargeable aluminum battery with an AlCl3/EMIMCl electrolyte. Materials, 11(6), 936. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma11060936


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