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Spontaneous reaction of Cu (hfac) (TMVS) vapor with Dupont Teflon AF1600

D. Popovici, Edward Sacher, Michel Meunier, D. Leonard and P. Bertrand

Paper (1998)

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Additional Information: Nom historique du département: Département de génie physique et de génie des matériaux
Department: Department of Engineering Physics
PolyPublie URL: https://publications.polymtl.ca/29402/
Conference Title: Metallized plastics 5 & 6: fundamental and applied aspects. (5th conference held May 5-19, 1996 in Los Angeles and the 6th conference held Aug. 31-Sept. 5, 1997 in Paris)
Publisher: VSP
DOI: 10.1201/b11958-25
Official URL: https://doi.org/10.1201/b11958-25
Date Deposited: 18 Apr 2023 15:23
Last Modified: 25 Sep 2024 16:10
Cite in APA 7: Popovici, D., Sacher, E., Meunier, M., Leonard, D., & Bertrand, P. Spontaneous reaction of Cu (hfac) (TMVS) vapor with Dupont Teflon AF1600 [Paper]. Metallized plastics 5 & 6: fundamental and applied aspects. (5th conference held May 5-19, 1996 in Los Angeles and the 6th conference held Aug. 31-Sept. 5, 1997 in Paris). https://doi.org/10.1201/b11958-25



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