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Use of electrodermal wristbands to measure students' cognitive engagement in the classroom

Patrick Terriault, Anastassis Kozanitis et Patrice Farand

Communication écrite (2021)

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A pilot project was conducted to study the feasibility of using electrodermal activity sensors embedded in a watch-like device to measure skin conductivity in real time. In the field of education, it may be interesting to use this technology to assess the students' cognitive engagement in the classroom. A few volunteer students as well as the professor were wearing an Empatica E4 wristband during some class periods where different activities were organized such as lectures, workshops and exams. Monitoring several individuals simultaneously makes possible to compare the collected data among students and between the students and the professor. Also, since the activities were weekly repeated, it was possible to assess to which extent the observed patterns were similar from one group to the other. In brief, the collected data is very difficult to interpret, since some external factors seem to have a significant effect on the measurements. Indeed, discrepancies are observed in the data curves representing the students’ electrodermal activity. Also, the data generated by the professor is quite different from one group to the other, even if he repeated the exact same activities at two different times of the week. It is suggested to improve the understanding of all the phenomena that could affect the electrodermal activity measurements before trying to draw conclusions related to the students’ cognitive engagement in the classroom.

Mots clés

Cognitive engagement; Electrodermal activity; Empatica E4 wristband; Engineering education

Département: Département de génie chimique
URL de PolyPublie: https://publications.polymtl.ca/10676/
Nom de la conférence: Annual CEEA-ACÉG Conference
Lieu de la conférence: Charlottetown, P.E.I.
Date(s) de la conférence: 2021-06-20 - 2021-06-23
Titre de la revue: Proceedings of the Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA)
Maison d'édition: Association canadienne de l’éducation en génie (ACÉG)
DOI: 10.24908/pceea.vi0.14827
URL officielle: https://doi.org/10.24908/pceea.vi0.14827
Date du dépôt: 23 janv. 2024 16:30
Dernière modification: 26 sept. 2024 22:10
Citer en APA 7: Terriault, P., Kozanitis, A., & Farand, P. (juin 2021). Use of electrodermal wristbands to measure students' cognitive engagement in the classroom [Communication écrite]. Annual CEEA-ACÉG Conference, Charlottetown, P.E.I. (8 pages). Publié dans Proceedings of the Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA). https://doi.org/10.24908/pceea.vi0.14827


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