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Documents publiés en "2021"

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Nombre de documents: 3

Wang, L., Jalali Dil, E., & Ajji, A. (2021). Effect of Uniaxial Stretching on Molecular Orientation, Crystallinity and Oxygen Permeability of Ethylene Vinyl Alcohol. International Polymer Processing, 36(3), 314-321. Lien externe

Yi, B., Jin, C., Wang, L., Shi, G., & Manchester, I. R. (décembre 2021). An almost globally convergent observer for visual SLAM without persistent excitation [Communication écrite]. 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Austin, TX, USA. Lien externe

Zapata, J., Darviot, C., Wang, L., Largillière, I., Agiotis, L., & Meunier, M. (septembre 2021). Virtual training on Biomedical Nanophotonics [Communication écrite]. Education and Training in Optics & Photonics Conference, Washington, D.C. (2 pages). Lien externe

Liste produite: Wed Jan 1 02:42:35 2025 EST.