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Malandra, F., Kizilkale, A. C., Sirois, F., Sanso, B., Anjos, M. F., Bernier, M., Gendreau, M., & Malhamé, R. P. (2020). Smart Distributed Energy Storage Controller (smartDESC). Energy, 210, 10 pages. Lien externe
Farnadi, G., Babaki, B., & Gendreau, M. (avril 2020). A unifying framework for fairness-aware influence maximization [Communication écrite]. WWW '20: The Web Conference 2020, Taipei, Taiwan. Disponible
Malandra, F., Kizilkale, A. C., Sirois, F., Sanso, B., Anjos, M. F., Bernier, M., Gendreau, M., & Malhamé, R. P. (2020). Smart Distributed Energy Storage Controller (smartDESC). Energy, 210, 10 pages. Lien externe
Cote, J.-F., Gendreau, M., & Potvin, J.-Y. (2020). The Vehicle Routing Problem with Stochastic Two-Dimensional Items. Transportation Science, 54(2), 453-469. Lien externe
Crainic, T. G., Gendreau, M., & Jemai, L. (septembre 2019). Planning hyperconnected, urban logistics systems [Communication écrite]. 22nd EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting (EWGT 2019), Barcelona, Spain. Publié dans Transportation Research Procedia, 47. Disponible
Emde, S., Polten, L., & Gendreau, M. (2020). Logic-based benders decomposition for scheduling a batching machine. Computers and Operations Research, 113, 12 pages. Lien externe
Fontaine, P., Crainic, T. G., Gendreau, M., & Minner, S. (2020). Population-based risk equilibration for the multimode hazmat transport network design problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 284(1), 188-200. Lien externe
Gmira, M., Gendreau, M., Lodi, A., & Potvin, J.-Y. (2020). Tabu search for the time-dependent vehicle routing problem with time windows on a road network. European Journal of Operational Research, 288(1), 129-140. Lien externe
Gmira, M., Gendreau, M., Lodi, A., & Potvin, J.-Y. (2020). Travel speed prediction based on learning methods for home delivery. EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, 9(4), 100006 (16 pages). Disponible
Gribel, D., Vidal, T., & Gendreau, M. (janvier 2021). Assortative-constrained stochastic block models [Communication écrite]. 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2020), Milan, Italy. Lien externe
Jeihoonian, M., Kazemi Zanjani, M., & Gendreau, M. (2020). Dynamic reverse supply chain network design under uncertainty: mathematical modeling and solution algorithm. International Transactions in Operational Research, 29(5), 3161-3189. Lien externe
Keutchayan, J., Munger, D., & Gendreau, M. (2020). On the scenario-tree optimal-value error for stochastic programming problems. Mathematics of Operations Research, 45(4), 1572-1595. Lien externe
Loza-Hernandez, L., & Gendreau, M. (2020). A framework for assessing hazmat risk at nodes of transport networks. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 50, 101854 (13 pages). Lien externe
Malandra, F., Kizilkale, A. C., Sirois, F., Sanso, B., Anjos, M. F., Bernier, M., Gendreau, M., & Malhamé, R. P. (2020). Smart Distributed Energy Storage Controller (smartDESC). Energy, 210, 10 pages. Lien externe
Moreno, A., Alem, D., Gendreau, M., & Munari, P. (2020). The heterogeneous multicrew scheduling and routing problem in road restoration. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 141, 24-58. Lien externe
Rahmaniani, R., Ahmed, S., Crainic, T. G., Gendreau, M., & Rei, W. (2020). The Benders Dual Decomposition Method. Operations Research, 68(3), 878-895. Lien externe
Rimelé, A., Gamache, M., Gendreau, M., Grangier, P., & Rousseau, L.-M. (2020). Robotic mobile fulfillment systems : a mathematical modelling framework for e-commerce applications. (Rapport technique n° CIRRELT 2020-42). Lien externe
Tammam, A. I., Anjos, M. F., & Gendreau, M. (2020). Balancing supply and demand in the presence of renewable generation via demand response for electric water heaters. Annals of Operations Research, 292(2), 753-770. Lien externe
Torres, F., Gendreau, M., & Rei, W. (2020). Vehicle routing with stochastic supply of crowd vehicles and time windows. (Rapport technique n° CIRRELT-2020-05). Lien externe