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Bourdin, T., Bédard, É., Benoit, M.-È., Prévost, M., Robert, É., Quach, C., Deziel, E., & Constant, P. (2020). Development of a New High-Throughput Multilocus Sequence Typing Method to Monitor Causative Agents of Nosocomial Infections. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 41(S1), S187-S187. Lien externe
Bédard, É., & Gagnier, E. (janvier 2020). Conception et dimensionnement d'un réseau de distribution d'eau potable : conséquences possibles sur le risque sanitaire [Communication écrite]. Souper-conférence de l'American Society of Plumbing Engineers, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Bourdin, T., Bédard, É., Benoit, M.-È., Prévost, M., Robert, É., Quach, C., Deziel, E., & Constant, P. (2020). Development of a New High-Throughput Multilocus Sequence Typing Method to Monitor Causative Agents of Nosocomial Infections. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 41(S1), S187-S187. Lien externe
Paniagua, A. T., Paranjape, K., Hu, M., Bédard, É., & Faucher, S. P. (2020). Impact of temperature on Legionella pneumophila, its protozoan host cells, and the microbial diversity of the biofilm community of a pilot cooling tower. Science of The Total Environment, 712, 136131 (12 pages). Lien externe
Paranjape, K., Bédard, É., Shetty, D., Hu, M., Choon, F. C. P., Prévost, M., & Faucher, S. P. (2020). Unravelling the importance of the eukaryotic and bacterial communities and their relationship with Legionella spp. ecology in cooling towers: a complex network. Microbiome, 8(1), 19 pages. Disponible
Paranjape, K., Bédard, É., Whyte, L. G., Ronholm, J., Prévost, M., & Faucher, S. P. (2020). Presence of Legionella spp. in cooling towers: the role of microbial diversity, Pseudomonas, and continuous chlorine application. Water Research, 169, 11 pages. Lien externe