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Documents publiés en "2018"

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Nombre de documents: 14

Drozdzal, M., Chartrand, G., Vorontsov, E., Shakeri, M., Di Jorio, L., Tang, A., Romero, A., Bengio, Y., Pal, C. J., & Kadoury, S. (2018). Learning normalized inputs for iterative estimation in medical image segmentation. Medical Image Analysis, 44, 1-13. Lien externe

Harvey, F. G., & Pal, C. J. (décembre 2018). Recurrent transition networks for character locomotion [Communication écrite]. SIGGRAPH Asia Technical Briefs, Tokyo, Japan. Lien externe

Harvey, F. G., Roy, J., Kanaa, D., & Pal, C. J. (2018). Recurrent semi-supervised classification and constrained adversarial generation with motion capture data. Image and Vision Computing, 78, 42-52. Lien externe

Honari, S., Molchanov, P., Tyree, S., Vincent, P., Pal, C. J., & Kautz, J. (juin 2018). Improving Landmark Localization with Semi-Supervised Learning [Communication écrite]. 31st Meeting of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2018), Salt Lake City, UT, United states. Lien externe

Ke, N. R., Goyal, A., Bilaniuk, O., Binas, J., Mozer, M. C., Pal, C. J., & Bengio, Y. (décembre 2018). Sparse attentive backtracking: Temporal credit assignment through reminding [Communication écrite]. 32nd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2018), Montréal, Canada (12 pages). Lien externe

Ke, N. R., Zoma, K., Sordoni, A., Lin, Z., Trischler, A., Bengio, Y., Pineau, J., Charlin, L., & Pal, C. J. (juillet 2018). Focused hierarchical RNNs for conditional sequence processing [Communication écrite]. 35th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2018), Stockholm, Sweden. Lien externe

Li, R., Kahou, S. E., Schulz, H., Michalski, V., Charlin, L., & Pal, C. J. (décembre 2018). Towards deep conversational recommendations [Communication écrite]. 32nd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2018), Montréal, Canada (11 pages). Lien externe

Moniz, J. R. A., Beckham, C., Rajotte, S., Honari, S., & Pal, C. J. (décembre 2018). Unsupervised depth estimation, 3D face rotation and replacement [Communication écrite]. 32nd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2018), Montréal, Canada (11 pages). Lien externe

Serdyuk, D., Ke, N. R., Sordoni, A., Trischler, A., Pal, C. J., & Bengio, Y. (avril 2018). Twin Networks: Matching the future for sequence generation [Communication écrite]. 6th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2018), Vancouver, BC, Canada (12 pages). Lien externe

Subramanian, S., Rajeswar, S., Sordoni, A., Trischler, A., Courville, A., & Pal, C. J. (décembre 2018). Towards text generation with adversarially learned neural outlines [Communication écrite]. 32nd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2018), Montréal, Canada (13 pages). Lien externe

Subramanian, S., Trischler, A., Bengio, Y., & Pal, C. J. (avril 2018). Learning general purpose distributed sentence representations via large scale multitask learning [Communication écrite]. 6th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2018), Vancouver, BC, Canada. Lien externe

Thong, W., Kadoury, S., Piche, N., & Pal, C. J. (2018). Convolutional networks for kidney segmentation in contrast-enhanced CT scans. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering-Imaging and Visualization, 6(3), 277-282. Lien externe

Trabelsi, C., Bilaniuk, O., Zhang, Y., Serdyuk, D., Subramanian, S., Santos, J. F., Mehri, S., Rostamzadeh, N., Bengio, Y., & Pal, C. J. (avril 2018). Deep complex networks [Communication écrite]. 6th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2018), Vancouver, BC, Canada (19 pages). Lien externe

Vorontsov, E., Tang, A., Pal, C. J., & Kadoury, S. (avril 2018). Liver lesion segmentation informed by joint liver segmentation [Communication écrite]. 15th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2018), Washington, D.C.. Lien externe

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