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Documents publiés en "2018"

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Nombre de documents: 10

Département de génie informatique et génie logiciel

Coviello, C., Romano, S., Scanniello, G., Marchetto, A., Antoniol, G., & Corazza, A. (mars 2018). Clustering support for inadequate test suite reduction [Communication écrite]. 25th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER 2018), Campobasso, Italy. Lien externe

Fakhoury, S., Arnaoudova, V., Noiseux, C., Khomh, F., & Antoniol, G. (mars 2018). Keep it simple: Is deep learning good for linguistic smell detection? [Communication écrite]. 25th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER 2018), Campobasso, Italy. Lien externe

Khomh, F., Adams, B., Cheng, J., Fokaefs, M.-E., & Antoniol, G. (2018). Software Engineering for Machine-Learning Applications: The Road Ahead. IEEE Software, 35(5), 81-84. Lien externe

Morales, R., Chicano, F., Khomh, F., & Antoniol, G. (2018). Efficient refactoring scheduling based on partial order reduction. Journal of Systems and Software, 145, 25-51. Lien externe

Morales, R., Chicano, F., Khomh, F., & Antoniol, G. (2018). Exact search-space size for the refactoring scheduling problem. Automated Software Engineering, 25(2), 195-200. Lien externe

Morales, R., Saborido, R., Khomh, F., Chicano, F., & Antoniol, G. (2018). EARMO: An Energy-Aware Refactoring Approach for Mobile Apps. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 44(12), 1176-1206. Lien externe

Morales, R., Saborido, R., Khomh, F., Chicano, F., & Antoniol, G. (mai 2018). EARMO: An energy-aware refactoring approach for mobile apps [Résumé]. 40th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2018), Gothenburg, Sweden (1 page). Lien externe

Romano, S., Scanniello, G., Antoniol, G., & Marchetto, A. (2018). SPIRITuS: a SimPle Information Retrieval regressIon Test Selection approach. Information & Software Technology, 99, 62-80. Lien externe

Saborido, R., Morales, R., Khomh, F., Guéhéneuc, Y.-G., & Antoniol, G. (2018). Getting the most from map data structures in Android. Empirical Software Engineering, 23(5), 2829-2864. Lien externe

Soh, Z., Khomh, F., Guéhéneuc, Y.-G., & Antoniol, G. (2018). Noise in Mylyn interaction traces and its impact on developers and recommendation systems. Empirical Software Engineering Journal, 23(2), 645-692. Lien externe

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