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Documents publiés en "2016"

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Nombre de documents: 9

Département des génies civil, géologique et des mines

Awaleh, M. O., Baudron, P., Soubaneh, Y. D., Boschetti, T., Egueh, N. M., Hoch, F. B., Dabar, O. A., Masse-Dufresne, J., & Gassani, J. (septembre 2016). Assessing groundwater flow pattern in the Bara volcanic aquifer system, Republic of Djibouti [Communication écrite]. 43rd IAH Congress, Montpellier, France. Non disponible

Baudron, P., Arosteguy, J. L. G., Gilabert, J., Lopez-Castejon, F., Cockenpot, S., Radakovitch, O., Leduc, C., Mayer, A., & Claude, C. (mars 2016). Groundwater discharge to coastal lagoons: Quantifying “invisible” but crucial water fluxes [Communication écrite]. 7th European Coastal Lagoons Symposium (EuroLag 2016), Murcia, Spain. Non disponible

Baudron, P., El Mandour, A., Garcia Arostegui, J. L., Barbecot, F., Gillon, M., Leduc, C., Luigi Pinti, D., & Taddei, D. (septembre 2016). Evolution of water quality and water balance in coastal mediterranean aquifers- a case study in northern Morocco [Communication écrite]. 43rd IAH Congress, Montpellier, France. Non disponible

Baudron, P., Menou, M., Dion, G., Barbecot, F., & Pasquier, P. (septembre 2016). Investigating groundwater flow pattern at a bank filtration site in Québec province (Canada) [Communication écrite]. 43rd IAH Congress, Montpellier, France. Non disponible

Baudron, P., Sprenger, C., Lorenzen, G., & Ronghang, M. (2016). Hydrogeochemical and isotopic insights into mineralization processes and groundwater recharge from an intermittent monsoon channel to an overexploited aquifer in eastern Haryana (India). Environmental Earth Sciences, 75(5), 11 pages. Lien externe

Chouikri, I., El Mandour, A., Jaffal, M., Baudron, P., García-Aróstegui, J.-L., Manar, A., & Casas, A. (2016). Gravimetry contributions to the study of the complex western Haouz aquifer (Morocco): Structural and hydrogeological implications. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 115, 234-245. Lien externe

Jimenez-Martinez, J., Garcia-Arostegui, J. L., Hunink, J., Contreras, S., Baudron, P., & Candela, L. (2016). The role of groundwater in highly human-modified hydrosystems: A review of impacts and mitigation options in the Campo de Cartagena-Mar Menor coastal plain (SE Spain). Dossiers environnement, 24(4), 377-392. Lien externe

Pasquier, P., Nguyen, A., Eppner, F., Marcotte, D., & Baudron, P. (2016). Standing column wells. Dans Advances in Ground-Source Heat Pump Systems (p. 269-294). Lien externe

Wisen, J., Chesnaux, R., Barbecot, F., Baudron, P., Wendling, G., & Werring, J. (septembre 2016). Investigation of possible surface contamination from a deep waste disposal well in Northeastern British Columbia, Canada [Communication écrite]. 43rd IAH Congress, Montpellier, France. Non disponible

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