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Documents publiés en "2013"

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Nombre de documents: 10

Article de revue

Keivanpour, S., Ait-Kadi, D., & Mascle, C. (2013). Toward a strategic approach to end-of-life aircraft recycling projects : a research agenda in transdisciplinary context. Journal of Management and Sustainability, 3(3), 76-94. Disponible

Keivanpour, S., Mascle, C., & Ait-Kadi, D. (2013). Modeling robustness of business ecosystem of end of life vehicles players. Journal of Sustainable Development Studies, 4(1), 1-35. Lien externe

Mascle, C. (2013). Design for Rebirth (Dfrb) and Data Structure. International Journal of Production Economics, 142(2), 235-246. Lien externe

Mascle, C. (2013). Product Design for Rebirth: Application to Aircraft Life Cycle Modeling. Supply Chain Forum, 14(2), 70-83. Lien externe

Communication écrite

Camelot, A., Mascle, C., & Baptiste, P. (juillet 2013). Disassembly of Spare Parts on an EOL Aircraft [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Manufacturing (ISAM 2013), Xi'an, China. Lien externe

Keivanpour, S., Ait Kadi, D., & Mascle, C. (septembre 2013). Aircraft End-of-Life problem in the context of green supply chain analysis (opportunities and challenges) [Communication écrite]. SAE AeroTech Congress and Exhibition (AEROTECH 2013), Montréal, Québec. Non disponible

Keivanpour, S., Ait Kadi, D., & Mascle, C. (septembre 2013). Sustainable eco design strategy : developing a decision tool for aircraft manufacturers to compare eco-design alternatives considering stakeholders value network [Communication écrite]. SAE AeroTech Congress and Exhibition (AEROTECH 2013), Montréal, Québec. Non disponible

Keivanpour, S., Ait-Kadi, D., & Mascle, C. (novembre 2013). Economic sustainability of end-of-life vehicle recycling infrastructure under uncertainty : a fuzzy approach [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM 2013), Rabat, Morroco. Lien externe

Mascle, C., & Deneu, F. (août 2013). Environmental selection of materials for product end-of-life [Communication écrite]. 19th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 2013), Seoul, South Korea. Non disponible

Sainte-Beuve, D., Mascle, C., & Baptiste, P. (juin 2013). Évaluation de différentes stratégies de démantèlement de la carcasse d'un avion [Communication écrite]. 10e Congrès international de génie industriel (CIGI 2013), La Rochelle, France. Non disponible

Liste produite: Wed Jan 1 01:44:04 2025 EST.