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Documents publiés en "2013"

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Nombre de documents: 10

Article de revue

Bai, X., Marcotte, D., & Simon, R. (2013). Underground stope optimization with network flow method. Computers & Geosciences, 52, 361-371. Lien externe

Faucher, C., Saucier, A., & Marcotte, D. (2013). A new patchwork simulation method with control of the local-mean histogram. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 27(1), 253-273. Lien externe

Ji, S., Awei, L., Qian, W., Changxing, L., Hongcai, W., Marcotte, D., & Salisbury, M. (2013). Seismic velocities, anisotropy, and shear-wave splitting of antigorite serpentinites and tectonic implications for subduction zones. Journal of Geophysical Research, 118(B3), 1015-1037. Lien externe

Marcotte, D., & Caron, J. (2013). Erratum to : “Ultimate open pit stochastic optimization” [Comput. Geosci. 51 (2013) 238–246]. Computers & Geosciences, 58, 1 page. Lien externe

Marcotte, D., & Caron, J. (2013). Ultimate open pit stochastic optimization. Computers & Geosciences, 51, 238-246. Lien externe

Pasquier, P., & Marcotte, D. (2013). Efficient computation of heat flux signals to ensure the reproduction of prescribed temperatures at several interacting heat sources. Applied Thermal Engineering, 59(1-2), 515-526. Lien externe

Shamsipour, P., Marcotte, D., Chouteau, M. C., Rivest, M., & Bouchedda, A. (2013). 3D stochastic gravity inversion using nonstationary covariances. Geophysics, 78(2), G15-G24. Lien externe

Communication écrite

Nguyen, A., Pasquier, P., & Marcotte, D. (août 2013). Development of an ODE model featuring a three level bleed control and an off-loading sequence for a standing column wells [Communication écrite]. 3th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA), Chambéry, France. Lien externe

Nguyen, A., Pasquier, P., & Marcotte, D. (octobre 2013). Multiphysics modelling of standing column well and implementation of heat pumps off-loading sequence [Communication écrite]. Comsol Conference 2013, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Lien externe

Pasquier, P., Marcotte, D., Bernier, M., & Kummert, M. (août 2013). Simulation of ground-coupled heat pump systems using a spectral approach [Communication écrite]. BS 2013. 13th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association, Chambéry, France. Lien externe

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