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Bussiere, B., Demers, I., Dawood, I., Plante, B., Aubertin, M., Peregoedova, A., Pepin, G., Lessard, G., Intissar, R., Benzaazoua, M., Molson, J. W., Chouteau, M. C., Zagury, G. J., Monzon, M., & Laflamme, D. (novembre 2011). Comportement géochimique et hydrogéologique des stériles de la mine Lac Tio (QC) [Communication écrite]. 4th Symposium on Mines and the Environment, Rouyn-Noranda, QC, Canada. Non disponible
Giraud, J., Chouteau, M. C., Taveau, C., & Chapuis, R. P. (septembre 2011). Hydro-geophysical monitoring of groundwater level changes induces by tides in a shallow beach aquifer [Communication écrite]. 17th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics of the Near Surface geodence Division of EAGE, Leicester, UK. Lien externe
Maqsoud, A., Bussière, B., Aubertin, M., Chouteau, M. C., & Mbonimpa, M. (2011). Field investigation of a suction break designed to control slope-induced desaturation in an oxygen barrier. Lien externe
Shamsipour, P., Chouteau, M. C., & Marcotte, D. (2011). 3D stochastic inversion of magnetic data. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 73(4), 336-347. Lien externe
Shamsipour, P., Marcotte, D., Chouteau, M. C., & Allard, M. (2011). Stochastic inversion of a gravity field on multiple scale parameters using surface and borehole data. Geophysical Prospecting, 59(6), 998-1012. Lien externe