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Number of items: 16.

Department of Chemical Engineering

Zagury, G. J., Dobran, S., Estrela, S., & Deschênes, L. (2008). Inorganic Arsenic Speciation in Soil and Groundwater Near in-Service Chromated Copper Arsenate-Treated Wood Poles. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 27(4), 799-807. External link

Department of Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering

Giral, M., Zagury, G. J., Deschenes, L., & Blouin, J. P. (2008, May). Extraction and speciation of Arsenic in CCA-contaminated soils [Abstract]. 12e Colloque annuel du Chapitre Saint-Laurent, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Analytical Chemistry (SETAC-SRA), Québec, QC, Canada. Unavailable

Giral, M., Zagury, G. J., Deschenes, L., & Blouin, J. P. (2008, April). Extraction et spéciation de l'arsenic dans les sols contaminés à l'arséniate de cuivre chromaté [Abstract]. Salon des Technologies Environnementales du Québec, Québec, Canada. Unavailable

Neculita, C. M., & Zagury, G. J. (2008). Biological Treatment of Highly Contaminated Acid Mine Drainage in Batch Reactors: Long-Term Treatment and Reactive Mixture Characterization. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 157(2-3), 358-366. External link

Neculita, C. M., Vigneault, B., & Zagury, G. J. (2009, November). Toxicité et spéciation des métaux dans du drainage minier acide traité par bioréacteur passif [Paper]. Symposium 2008 sur l'environnement et les mines, Rouyn-Noranda, QC, Canada. Unavailable

Neculita, C. M., Zagury, G. J., & Bussière, B. (2008, September). Influence of hydraulic retention time on long-term efficiency of passive bioreactors for acid mine drainage treatment [Paper]. 6th International Acid Sulfate Soil Conference and the Acid Rock Drainage Symposium, Guangzhou, China. Unavailable

Neculita, C. M., Zagury, G. J., & Bussière, B. (2008, September). Metal removal mechanisms and remobilization potential in waste from bioreactors treating highly contaminated acid mine drainage [Paper]. 6th International Acid Sulfate Soil Conference and the Acid Rock Drainage Symposium, Guangzhou, China. Unavailable

Neculita, C. M., Zagury, G. J., & Bussière, B. (2007, December). Passive treatment of highly contaminated acid mine drainage in batch reactors [Paper]. Tenth International Symposium on Environmental Issues and Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production (SWEMP 2007), Bangkok, Thailand Boca Raton. Unavailable

Neculita, C.-M., Vigneault, B., & Zagury, G. J. (2008). Toxicity and Metal Speciation in Acid Mine Drainage Treated by Passive Bioreactors. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 27(8), 1659-1667. External link

Neculita, C.-M., Zagury, G. J., & Bussière, B. (2008). Effectiveness of sulfate-reducing passive bioreactors for treating highly contaminated acid mine drainage: I. Effect of hydraulic retention time. Applied Geochemistry, 23(12), 3442-3451. External link

Neculita, C.-M., Zagury, G. J., & Bussière, B. (2008). Effectiveness of sulfate-reducing passive bioreactors for treating highly contaminated acid mine drainage: II. Metal removal mechanisms and potential mobility. Applied Geochemistry, 23(12), 3545-3560. External link

Pepin, G., Bussière, B., Aubertin, M., Benzaazoua, M., Plante, B., Laflamme, D., & Zagury, G. J. (2008, June). field experimental cells to evaluate the potential of contaminated neutral drainage generation at the Tio mine, Québec, Canada [Paper]. 10th International Mine Water Association Congress Mine Water and the Environment, Karlovy Vary, Republic Czech. External link

Pouschat, P., & Zagury, G. J. (2008). Bioaccessibility of chromium and copper in soils near CCA-Treated wood poles. Metals Removal: Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management, 12(3), 216-223. External link

Vigneault, B., Neculita, C. M., Zagury, G. J., Tisch, B., & Kwong, J. (2008, August). Should metal bioavailability be considered in the evaluation of treatment and remediation methodologies for acid mine drainage ? [Abstract]. 5th SETAC World Congress, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Analytical Chemistry, Sydney, Australia. External link

Zagury, G. J. (2007, December). In vitro oral bioavailability testing in human health risk assessment of metal contaminated soils [Paper]. Tenth International Symposium on Environmental Issues and Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production (SWEMP 2007), Bangkok, Thailand. Unavailable

Zagury, G. J., Dobran, S., Estrela, S., & Deschênes, L. (2008). Inorganic Arsenic Speciation in Soil and Groundwater Near in-Service Chromated Copper Arsenate-Treated Wood Poles. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 27(4), 799-807. External link

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