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Nombre de documents: 17


Beaudoin, D., Frayret, J.-M., & Lebel, L. (2008). Hierarchical Forest Management With Anticipation: an Application to Tactical-Operational Planning Integration. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 38(8), 2198-2211. Lien externe


Chauhan, S. S., Frayret, J.-M., & LeBel, L. (2008). Supply network planning in the forest supply chain with bucking decisions anticipation. (Rapport technique n° CIRRELT-2008-16). Lien externe

Cid Yanez, F., Frayret, J.-M., Léger, F., & Rousseau, A. (2008). Agent-based simulation and analysis of demand-driven production strategies in the lumber industry. (Rapport technique n° CIRRELT-2008-02). Lien externe


De Santa-Eulalia, L. A., Frayret, J.-M., & D'Amours, S. (2008). Essay on conceptual modeling, analysis and illustration of agent-based simulations for distributed supply chain planning. INFOR, 46(2), 97-116. Lien externe


Forget, P., D'Amours, S., & Frayret, J.-M. (2008). Multi-Behavior Agent Model for Planning in Supply Chains: an Application to the Lumber Industry. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 24(5), 664-679. Lien externe

Forget, P., D'Amours, S., Frayret, J.-M., & Gaudreault, J. (2008). Performance analysis of multi-behaviour agents for supply chain planning. (Rapport technique n° CIRRELT-2008-43). Lien externe

Forget, P., D'Amours, S., Gaudreault, J., & Frayret, J.-M. (janvier 2008). Motivations for multi-behavior agents in supply chain planning [Communication écrite]. 7th Conférence Internationale de modélisation, optimisation et simulation des systèmes, Paris, France. Non disponible

Forget, P., Monteiro, T., D'Amours, S., & Frayret, J.-M. (septembre 2008). Collaborative agent-based negotiation in supply chain planning [Communication écrite]. 13th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory, Applications & Practice, Las Vegas, Nevada. Non disponible

Forget, P., Monteiro, T., D'Amours, S., & Frayret, J.-M. (2008). Collaborative agent-based negotiation in supply chain planning using multi-behaviour agents. (Rapport technique n° CIRRELT-2008-54). Lien externe


Gaudreault, J., Forget, P., Frayret, J.-M., Rousseau, A., & D'Amours, S. (septembre 2008). A multi-agent and OR-based approach to operating planning in the lumber industry [Communication écrite]. 13th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory, Applications & Practice, Las Vegas, Nevada. Non disponible

Gaudreault, J., Frayret, J.-M., Pesant, G., Forget, P., & D'Amours, S. (septembre 2008). Operations coordination in the lumber industry: from heuristics sto machine learning [Communication écrite]. 13th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory, Applications & Practice, Las Vegas, Nevada. Non disponible

Gaudreault, J., Pesant, G., Frayret, J.-M., & D'Amours, S. (2008). ADS: An adaptive search strategy for efficient distributed decision making. (Rapport technique n° CIRRELT-2008-49). Lien externe


Lemieux, S., D'Amours, S., Gaudreault, J., & Frayret, J.-M. (janvier 2008). Intégration d'outils APS dans une simulation multi-agent : une application à l'industrie du bois d'œuvre [Communication écrite]. 7th Conférence Internationale de modélisation, optimisation et simulation des systèmes, Paris, France. Non disponible


Sabar, M., Montreuil, B., & Frayret, J.-M. (2008). Competency and Preference Based Personnel Scheduling in Large Assembly Lines. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 21(4), 468-479. Lien externe

Sabar, M., Montreuil, B., & Frayret, J.-M. (septembre 2008). A multi-agent approach based on kernel-stable coalitions for personnel scheduling in assembly centers [Communication écrite]. 13th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory, Applications & Practice, Las Vegas, Nevada. Non disponible


Van Horne, C., Poulin, D., & Frayret, J.-M. (janvier 2008). Perceived, created and captured value: innovation processes of academic-industry research centres [Communication écrite]. 7th International Conference on Management of Technology, Creating and Managing a Knowledge Economy, Dubai, UAE. Non disponible

Van Horne, C., Poulin, D., Landry, R., & Frayret, J.-M. (2008). Three actor view of academic-industry research centers: towards a taxonomy. (Rapport technique n° CIRRELT-2008-06). Lien externe

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