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Rafla, T., Robillard, P. N., & Desmarais, M. C. (2007). A Method to Elicit Architecturally Sensitive Usability Requirements: Its Integration Into a Software Development Process. Software Quality Journal, 15(2), 117-133. Lien externe
Gendreau, O., & Robillard, P. N. (juillet 2007). Knowledge conversation in software development [Communication écrite]. 19th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2007), Boston, Massachusetts. Non disponible
Gendreau, O., Robillard, P. N., & Labreche, P. (avril 2007). Peer review as a V & V standard compliance technique - an aviation industry case study [Communication écrite]. Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE 2007), Vancouver, BC, Canada. Lien externe
Hardy, S., & Robillard, P. N. (juillet 2007). Visualization of the simulation data of biochemical network models : a painted Petri net approach [Communication écrite]. Summer Computer Simulation Conference (SCSC 2007), San Diego, California. Lien externe
Lacrois, M., & Robillard, P. N. (avril 2007). Amélioration des processus logiciel chez Hydro-Québec Équipement [Communication écrite]. Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE 2007), Vancouver, BC, Canada. Lien externe
Robillard, P. N., & François-Brosseau, T. (mars 2007). Saying "I am testing" is enough to impove the product : an empirical study [Communication écrite]. 2nd International Multi-Conference on Computing in th Global Information Technology (ICCGI 2007), Gosier, Guadeloupe. Lien externe
Robillard, P. N., Kerzazi, N., Tapp, M., & Hmima, H. (avril 2007). Outsourcing software maintenance: processes, standards ; critical practices [Communication écrite]. Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE 2007), Vancouver, BC, Canada. Lien externe
Robillard, P. N. (2007). Encyclopédie de l'informatique et des systèmes d'information. Lien externe