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Antoniol, G., Casazza, G., Lucca, G. A. D., Penta, M. D., & Merlo, E. (novembre 2001). Predicting Web Site Access: An Application of Time Series [Communication écrite]. 3rd International Workshop on Web Site Evolution (WSE 2001), Florence, Italy. Lien externe
Antoniol, G., Casazza, G., Penta, M. D., & Merlo, E. (novembre 2001). Modeling clones evolution through time series [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM 2001), Florence, Italy. Lien externe
Antoniol, G., Penta, M. D., Casazza, G., & Merlo, E. (mai 2001). A Method to Re-Organize Legacy Systems via Concept Analysis [Communication écrite]. 9th International Workshop on Program Comprehension (IWPC 2001), Toronto, Ontario. Lien externe
Antoniol, G., Villano, U., Penta, M. D., Casazza, G., & Merlo, E. (novembre 2001). Identifying Clones in the Linux Kernel [Communication écrite]. 1st IEEE International Workshop on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM 2001), Florence, Italy. Lien externe
Knapen, G., Laguë, B., Dagenais, M., & Merlo, E. (2001). Parsing C++ code despite missing declarations (chp. 17). Dans Advances in Software engineering . Lien externe
Malenfant, B., Antoniol, G., Merlo, E., & Dagenais, M. (novembre 2001). Flow analysis to detect blocked statements [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM 2001), Florence, Italy. Lien externe
Penta, M. D., Casazza, G., Antoniol, G., & Merlo, E. (mars 2001). Modeling Web Maintenance Centers through Queue Models [Communication écrite]. 5th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR 2001), Lisbon, Portugal. Lien externe