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Caporossi, G., & Hansen, P. (2000). Variable neighborhood search for extremal graphs: 1 The AutoGraphiX system. Discrete Mathematics, 212(1-2), 29-44. Lien externe
Hansen, P., & Caporossi, G. (2000). AutoGraphiX: An Automated System for Finding Conjectures in Graph Theory. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 5, 158-161. Lien externe
Caporossi, G., Hansen, P., & Zheng, M. (mars 1998). Enumeration of fusenes to h=20 [Communication écrite]. DIMACS Workshop on Discrete Mathematical Chemistry, Rutgers, New Brunswick. Lien externe
Hansen, P., & Jaumard, B. (2000). Probabilistic Satisfiability. Dans Handbook of Defeasible Reasoning and Uncertainty Management Systems: Algorithms for Uncertainty and Defeasible Reasoning (p. 321-367). Lien externe