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Antoniol, G., Canfora, G., Casazza, G., & Lucia, A. D. (mars 2000). Identifying the Starting Impact Set of a Maintenance Request: A Case Study [Communication écrite]. 4th European Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR 2000), Zurich, Switzerland. Lien externe
Antoniol, G., Canfora, G., Casazza, G., & Lucia, A. D. (octobre 2000). Information Retrieval Models for Recovering Traceability Links between Code and Documentation [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM 2000), San Jose, California. Lien externe
Antoniol, G., Canfora, G., Lucia, A. D., Casazza, G., & Merlo, E. (juin 2000). Tracing Object-Oriented Code into Functional Requirements [Communication écrite]. 8th International Workshop on Program Comprehension (IWPC 2000), Limerick, Ireland. Lien externe
Antoniol, G., Caprile, B., Potrich, A., & Tonella, P. (2000). Design-code traceability for object-oriented systems. Annals of Software Engineering, 9(1-2), 35-58. Lien externe
Antoniol, G., Casazza, G., & Cimitile, A. (novembre 2000). Traceability Recovery by Modeling Programmer Behavior [Communication écrite]. 7th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE 2000), Brisbane, Australia. Lien externe
Antoniol, G., Casazza, G., & Merlo, E. (juin 2000). Identification of Lower-Level Artifacts [Communication écrite]. 8th International Workshop on Program Comprehension (IWPC 2000), Limerick, Ireland (1 page). Lien externe
Antoniol, G., Casazza, G., Cimitile, A., & Tortorella, M. (octobre 2000). An Approach to Limit the Wynot Problem [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM 2000), San Jose, California. Lien externe
Tonella, P., Antoniol, G., Fiutem, R., & Calzolari, F. (2000). Reverse engineering 4.7 million lines of code. Journal of Software: Practice and Experience, 30(2), 129-150. Lien externe