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Number of items: 45.


Bilgen, E. (1975). On the feasibility of direct dissociation of water using solar energy. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-10). Restricted access

Bilgen, E. (1975). Solar energy laboratory of C.N.R.S., France. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-04). Restricted access

Bilgen, E., & Nguyen, H. P. (1975). Utilization of solar energy in heating and ventilating of buildings. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-21). Restricted access

Bilgen, E., Girardin, M., Vasseur, P., & Arbour, P. (1975). Mesure du profil de vitesse de l'écoulement d'air dans un nez. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-62). Available

Boisvert, J. (1975). Slowpoke : description du site. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-23). Restricted access

Bui-Quoc, T., Saheb, R. E., & Biron, A. (1975). Evaluation of hold-time effect in fatigue at elevated temperature on an austenitic stainless steel. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-08). Restricted access


Clément, B. (1975). Approximate distribution of the likelihood ratio test for testing the equality of two means with equal coefficients of variation. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-41). Available

Clément, B. (1975). Power studies of the likelihood ratio test and other allied tests for a restrictive form of the behrens-fisher problem. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-42). Available

Combot, J. P., & Wu, S. H. (1975). Energie de stabilisation des systèmes linéaires stationnaires = The stabilization energy of linear time-invariant systems. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-06). Restricted access

Combot, J. P., Godard, J. P., Polis, M. P., & Turgeon, A. (1975). Gestion optimale d'un système hydrothermique à l'aide de la méthode du gradient réduit généralisé. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-46). Restricted access

Conan, J., Haccoun, D., & Hoang, H. H. (1975). Error control techniques for data transmission over satellite channels. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-32). Available

Courchesne, A., & Biron, A. (1975). Borne inférieure à la pression limite d'une intersection normale cylindre-cylindre. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-31). Restricted access


David, M. (1975). Geostatistical ore reserve estimation. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-52). Restricted access

David, M., & Dagbert, M. (1975). Correspondence analysis in geology : the method and a review of several applications. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-39). Restricted access

Derome, R. (1975). Effet de l'inflation sur l'offre et la demande de fonds sur les marchés financiers. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-59). Restricted access

Deslauriers, G. (1975). Mouvement brownien dans un ensemble convexe. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-57). Available

Deslauriers, G., & Dubuc, S. (1975). Quasi-concavité des probabilités des translates d'un convexe. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-56). Available

Doré, R., & Roy, B. (1975). Results on a kinetic analysis of hockey shots. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-19). Available

Dubois, G., & Bonin, H. W. (1975). Application de la théorie des perturbations en gestion du combustible. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-02). Restricted access


Gagné, J. M. (1975). Compact CW HF microwave-discharge mixing laser. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-25). Restricted access

Gagné, J. M., & Saint-Dizier, J. P. (1975). Isotope shift in the CD I line 4678 angstrom (5S5P 3P0-5S6S 3S1) and odd-even staggering. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-24). Restricted access

Gauvin, J., & Tolle, J. W. (1975). Differential stability in nonlinear programming. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-63). Restricted access


Ladanyi, B., & Archambault, G. (1975). Shear strength and deformability of filled indented joints. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-33). Restricted access

Laguë, G., & Baldur, R. (1975). Efficient method for axi-symmetric finite elements. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-14). Restricted access

Laguë, G., & Baldur, R. (1975). Improved numerical integration methods for triangular surfaces. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-13). Restricted access

Lakis, A. A., & Doré, R. (1975). General method for analysing contact stresses on cylindrical vessels. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-30). Available


Mahe, B., & Biron, A. (1975). Borne inferieure a la pression limite pour l'intersection normale de cylindres. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-01). Restricted access

Mitnyan, M. L., & Faucher, G. (1975). Measurements on retrieved images from 3-D Fourier transform holograms in the complex projective space. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-43). Restricted access

Moore, M. (1975). Remarks on the asymptotic behavior of posterior laws with applications. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-37). Restricted access

Musteata, V., De Santis, R. M., & O'Shea, J. (1975). Transducteur de tension alternative à petite constante de temps et petite ondulation sur la sortie. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-61). Available


O'Shea, J., & Combot, J. P. (1975). On the controllability and observability of hydraulic servosystems. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-20). Available


Picard, J.-C., & Queyranne, M. (1975). On the integer-valued variables in the linear vertex packing problem. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-35). Available

Picard, J.-C., & Queyranne, M. (1975). Problème du voyageur de commerce : une formulation par programmation linéaire. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-07). Available

Picard, J.-C., & Queyranne, M. (1975). Simple validation of maximum closure of a graph. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-60). Available

Picard, J.-C., & Queyranne, M. (1975). Vertex packings : (VLP)-reductions through alternate labelling. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-47). Available

Prévost, R. M. (1975). Rapport d'une mission accomplie en France du 9 au 31 mai 1975 concernant l'enseignement et la recherche en génie industriel. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-29). Restricted access


Sinha, B.-K., & Clément, B. (1975). Behrens-Fisher problem under the assumption of homogeneous coefficients of variation. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-40). Available

Skarlatos, Y. (1975). Ozonation of phenol in water studied by electron tunneling. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-26). Restricted access


Turgeon, A. B., & Vu, Q. T. (1975). Identification en temps réel des systèmes échantillonnés linéaires variants. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-05). Available


Van Ngoc, P. (1975). Theorie et pratique de la magnétotellurique et du profilage tellurique-tellurique. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-09). Restricted access

Vasseur, P., Bilgen, E., & Nguyen, H. P. (1975). Étude de rayonnement solaire dans la région montréalaise pour la climatisation des habitations. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-18). Available

Vasseur, P., Bilgen, E., & Trinh, P. T. (1975). Etude sur la transition d'un fluide légèrement viscoélastique. Première partie, Ecoulement sur un disque en rotation. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-58). Available

Vu, Q. T., & De Santis, R. M. (1975). Diagramme de Nyquist inverse et stabilité d'un système asservi. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-27). Available


Yelon, A., Barker, R. C., & Skarlatos, Y. (1975). Traps in AL203 detected by tunneling. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-38). Restricted access

Yu, T. R., & Ladanyi, B. (1975). Application of induction logging for delineating permafrost formations. (Technical Report n° EP-R-75-34). Restricted access

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