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Hraimel, B., Zhang, X., Jiang, W., Wu, K., Liu, T., Xu, T., Nie, Q., & Xu, K. (2011). Experimental Demonstration of Mixed-Polarization to Linearize Electro-Absorption Modulators in Radio-Over-Fiber Links. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 23(4), 230-232. External link
Hraimel, B., Zhang, X., Pei, Y., Wu, K., Liu, T., Xu, T., & Nie, Q. (2011). Optical single-sideband modulation with tunable optical carrier to sideband ratio in radio over fiber systems. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 29(5), 775-781. External link
Sui, C., Hraimel, B., Zhang, X., Wu, L., Shen, Y., Wu, K., Liu, T., Xu, T., & Nie, Q. (2010). Impact of Electro-Absorption Modulator Integrated Laser on Mb-Ofdm Ultra-Wideband Signals Over Fiber Systems. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 28(24), 3548-3555. External link
Sakib, M., Hraimel, B., Zhang, X., Wu, K., Liu, T., Xu, T., & Nie, Q. (2010). Impact of laser relative intensity noise on a multiband OFDM ultrawideband wireless signal over fiber system. Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, 2(10), 841-847. External link
Sui, C., Hraimel, B., Zhang, X., Wu, K., Liu, T., Xu, T., & Nie, Q. (2010, October). Performance evaluation of MB-OFDM Ultra-Wideband over fiber transmission using a low cost Electro-Absorption Modulator integrated laser [Paper]. IEEE Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP 2010), Montréal, Québec. External link
Wu, L., Hraimel, B., Zhang, X., Mohamed, M., Sui, C., Wu, K., Liu, T., Xu, T., & Nie, Q. (2010, October). Photonic generation of millimeter-waves using two cascaded Electro-Absorption Modulators in radio-over-fiber systems [Paper]. IEEE Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP 2010), Montréal, Québec. External link