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Ghigo, N., Ramos-Palacios, G., Bourquin, C., Xing, P., Wu, A., Cortés, N., Ladret, H., Ikan, L., Casanova, C., Porée, J., Sadikot, A., & Provost, J. (2024). Dynamic Ultrasound Localization Microscopy Without ECG-Gating. Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, 13 pages. External link
Leconte, A., Porée, J., Rauby, B., Xing, P., Bourquin, C., Ghigo, N., Ramos, G. P., Sadikot, A. F., & Provost, J. (2023). Direct spatiotemporal localization of microbubble trajectories for highly resolved hemodynamics in ultrasound localization microscopy. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 153(3_suppleme), A29-A29. External link
Lengaigne, J., Bousser, É., Brown, S., Xing, P., Turcot, F., Dolatabadi, A., Martinu, L., & Sapieha, J.-E. (2020). In situ ice growth kinetics on water-repellent coatings under atmospheric icing conditions. Surface and Coatings Technology, 399, 12 pages. External link
Mougharbel, M., Porée, J., Lee, S. A., Xing, P., Wu, A., Tardif, J.‐C., & Provost, J. (2024). A unified framework combining coherent compounding, harmonic imaging and angular coherence for simultaneous high-quality B-mode and tissue Doppler in ultrafast echocardiography. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 1-1. External link
Rauby, B., Xing, P., Gasse, M., & Provost, J. (2024). Deep learning in ultrasound localization microscopy : applications and perspectives. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 3462299 (23 pages). Available
Xing, P., Perrot, V., Dominguez-Vargas, A.-U., Porée, J., Quessy, S., Dancause, N., & Provost, J. (2024). 3D ultrasound localization microscopy of the nonhuman primate brain. EBioMedicine, 111, 105457 (17 pages). External link
Xing, P., Porée, J., Rauby, B., Malescot, A., Martineau, E., Perrot, V., Rungta, R. L., & Provost, J. (2023). Phase Aberration Correction for in vivo Ultrasound Localization Microscopy Using a Spatiotemporal Complex-Valued Neural Network. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 12 pages. External link