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Carnevali, D., Guevremont, O., Rigamonti, M. G., Stucchi, M., Cavani, F., & Patience, G. S. (2018). Gas-phase fructose conversion to furfural in a microfluidized bed reactor. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 6(4), 5580-5587. External link
Rigamonti, M. G., Chavalle, M., Li, H., Antitomaso, P., Hadidi, L., Stucchi, M., Galli, F., Khan, H., Dolle, M., Boffito, D. C., & Patience, G. S. (2020). LiFePO₄ spray drying scale-up and carbon-cage for improved cyclability. Journal of Power Sources, 462, 228103 (12 pages). External link
Stucchi, M., Rigamonti, M. G., Carnevali, D., & Boffito, D. C. (2020). A Kinetic Study on the Degradation of Acetaminophen and Amoxicillin in Water by Ultrasound. Chemistryselect, 5(47), 14986-14992. External link
Schieppati, D., Germon, R., Galli, F., Rigamonti, M. G., Stucchi, M., & Boffito, D. C. (2019). Influence of frequency and amplitude on the mucus viscoelasticity of the novel mechano-acoustic Frequencer (TM). Respiratory Medicine, 153, 52-59. External link
Stucchi, M., Boffito, D. C., Pargoletti, E., Cerrato, G., Bianchi, C. L., & Cappelletti, G. (2018). Nano-MnO₂ decoration of TiO₂ microparticles to promote gaseous ethanol visible photoremoval. Nanomaterials, 8(9). Available
Stucchi, M., Galli, F., Bianchi, C. L., Pirola, C., Boffito, D. C., Biasioli, F., & Capucci, V. (2018). Simultaneous photodegradation of VOC mixture by TiO2 powders. Chemosphere, 193, 198-206. External link