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De Oliveira Silva, G. V., Subramanian, A., Meng, X., Zhang, S., Barbosa, M. S., Baloukas, B., Chartrand, D., Pérez, J. C. G., Orlandi, M. O., Soavi, F., Cicoira, F., & Santato, C. (2019). Tungsten Oxide Ion-Gated Phototransistors using Ionic Liquid and Aqueous Gating Media. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 52(30), 10 pages. External link
Sayago, J., Soavi, F., Sivalingam, Y., Cicoira, F., & Santato, C. (2014). Low voltage electrolyte-gated organic transistors making use of high surface area activated carbon gate electrodes. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2(28), 5690-5694. External link
Sayago, J., Shafique, U., Soavi, F., Cicoira, F., & Santato, C. (2014). TransCap: A monolithically integrated supercapacitor and electrolyte-gated transistor. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2(48), 10273-10276. External link