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Mirarabrazi, M., Stolarska, O., Smiglak, M., & Robelin, C. (2018). Solid liquid equilibria for a pyrrolidinium-based common-cation ternary ionic liquid system, and for a pyridinium-based ternary reciprocal ionic liquid system: an experimental study and a thermodynamic model. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20(1), 637-657. External link
Robelin, C., Mirarabrazi, M., Stolarska, O., & Smiglak, M. (2018, May). Modeling the thermodynamic properties of “ionic liquid” mixtures [Presentation]. In CALPHAD XLVII, Querétaro, Mexico. Unavailable
Stolarska, O., Mirarabrazi, M., Robelin, C., & Smiglak, M. (2018, April). Solid-liquid equilibria for a pyrrolidinium-based common-cation ternary ionic liquid system, and for a pyridinium-based ternary reciprocal ionic liquid system [Poster]. 2nd Advances in Green Chemistry Conference (AGC 2018), Poznan, Poland. Unavailable